There’s nothing quite like a Manitoba summer! While our minds are focused on planning camping trips, bonfires, and beach days, it’s important to keep our homes and properties in mind too. Follow these energy efficiency tips for summer to help you save at home.  

1. Keep the heat out of your kitchen: Cook your meals on the grill when the weather allows to keep excess heat out of your home. If you need to cook indoors, use the smallest appliance possible to do the job, such as an air fryer or microwave oven. Microwaves are one of the most energy-efficient cooking appliances. A microwave takes 15 minutes to do the same job as one hour in an oven.

2. Go for solar lighting: Use solar lights to create ambient lighting on your deck or pathways outside rather than plugging in decorative string lights. Solar lights use the sun’s rays to provide power, while traditional string lights rely on electricity, which can increase your energy bills.

3. Upgrade your insulation: The more that cool air can escape your home and warm air can get in, the harder your air conditioning (AC) unit has to work to regulate your indoor air temperature. Summer is the perfect time to take on an insulation project. It can help you reduce your energy bills, improve the comfort of your living space, and you’ll be ready for winter! Plus, we offer rebates to help cover the cost. 

Bonus tip: Air sealing your home is just as important as insulation. Make sure your windows and doors are properly sealed to reduce air from leaking inside (or out)

4. Air-dry your clothes: Take advantage of the warm summer breeze by hanging your clothes outside to dry rather than using your dryer. You can also use a drying rack indoors (humidity permitting) when the weather isn’t favorable for outdoor drying. 

5. Use a fan instead of your AC when weather allows: Fans use far less energy than your AC unit; however, they don’t provide cooling like your AC would on a very hot day. When the weather is cool enough, use a fan instead of your AC to provide air movement in your home. 

Bonus tip: If the outside temperature is lower than the temperature inside your home, open your windows for free cooling!

6. Strategically plant trees to help save energy: Summer is the perfect time to plant new trees. Not only is it beneficial for the environment by combating climate change, strategically planting trees can also help you save energy year-round.

Use these planting tips to help reduce your cooling in the summer (and heating costs in the winter!): 

  • Plant medium to large deciduous trees (trees that lose their leaves in the winter) along the south or southwest side of your house to help shade your home from the sun. Be sure to choose trees that have tall and dense canopies — they’ll help keep your home cooler during those hot summer days. In the winter, the branches are sparse enough to allow sunlight to filter through, providing heat to your home. 
  • Plant small deciduous trees or large deciduous shrubs on the east, northeast, west, and northwest sides of your home to block the early morning and late afternoon sun. 
  • Plant shrubs around your air conditioning unit to provide shade and keep your unit cooler. Just be sure to leave adequate space between your unit and shrubs to allow for proper airflow. 

Looking for more summer savings tips? Check out the rest of the articles in our summer series!  



During our sweltering Manitoba summers, it’s important to run your air conditioning (AC) unit or air source heat pump (ASHP) as efficiently and effectively as possible. We’ve put together tips for both AC and ASHP units to ensure they operate at peak performance. Learn how you can keep cool while saving energy this summer. Plus, we’ve included a common myth that we’re officially busting!    


While the most energy-efficient option would be to leave your AC unit or ASHP off as much as possible, we understand that the summer heat can make us want to crank down the temperature on our thermostats and keep it that way. Here are some tips to keep your units running as efficiently as possible throughout these hot summer months. 

  1. Keep your outdoor unit clean: 
    In order for your unit to run efficiently, air needs to be able to flow freely through the outside unit. Carefully brush or vacuum away any leaves, branches, grass, or debris that may have blown into your unit. If the coils of the outside or condensing unit are dirty, you can use the brush attachment from your vacuum to remove dirt or carefully spray them with your hose. Just be careful not to damage or bend the components, which can impact the performance of the unit. 
  2. Check the refrigerant lines: 
    Ensure your refrigerant lines are still properly insulated. If the insulation has frayed or exposed the lines, consider replacing the insulation sleeve. The insulation sleeve protects the system from excessive heat transfer and helps to prevent condensation. 
  3. Change your furnace air filter:  
    Inside, make sure the air is flowing by changing or cleaning your furnace air filter regularly. As air flows through, it collects dust and debris which eventually restricts air flow. We suggest changing your air filter with the change in season — about four times a year. 

We recommend contacting a qualified technician to service your AC unit or ASHP annually to ensure it’s running at peak performance. 


Another great way to save energy and money is to lighten the load on your unit as much as possible. Follow these tips to make sure your AC unit or ASHP isn’t working harder than it needs to. 

  1. Don’t start your AC or ASHP too late in the day: 
    If the forecast is predicting hot weather, make sure to turn your AC or ASHP on before the temperature outside gets above the set temperature in your home. Starting your AC too late in the day will have it playing “catch up,” making it work harder to cool your home.  
  2. Keep your windows closed: 
    Make sure all your windows are closed while your AC or ASHP is running. This will prevent warm air from entering your home, adding unnecessary cooling load on your system. 
  3. Take advantage of cooler days: 
    When the outside air temperature is cooler than your set indoor temperature, switch off your unit and open the windows for free cooling! 
  4. Avoid unnecessary heat from appliances: 
    If it’s already hot outside, try not to add extra heat indoors by using large appliances. If you can, cook your meals outside on the grill or use smaller appliances, such as air fryers and microwaves, to avoid adding extra heat inside your home. 



It actually uses more energy to adjust (set back) your thermostat based on time of day or if you’re away from home, rather than leaving it at a consistent temperature. 


While your unit may need to work a bit harder to bring the temperature down after a setback, a setback of just 1°C over an eight-hour period used 2.4% less electricity than if you were to maintain the lower temperature.

Bottom line: Any reduction in the use of your AC unit or ASHP will result in energy (and energy bill) savings. Raise your thermostat by a few degrees while you’re away from home or overnight — it can help you save energy and money! 

Longer temperature setbacks (lighter load on your AC or ASHP) = energy savings 

Looking for more summer savings tips? Check out the rest of the articles in our summer series



Keep the warm air outside where it belongs!  

We offer programs and rebates that can help you save energy and money when you invest in energy efficiency upgrades for your home or business. 

We’re also here to be your number one resource for energy efficiency tips and advice so you can start saving immediately. Our articles are full of tips to help you implement small changes in your daily routine that can make a big impact when it comes to saving energy (and money!). 

Before you plan your next energy efficiency upgrade, check Efficiency Manitoba first.


Some things are just better in summer. That includes energy efficiency upgrades that are best tackled while the weather is warm, like upgrading your windows and doors or the insulation in your home. Check out our programs and rebates that are ideal for the warmer months. 

Windows & doors

Get a $100 rebate on each eligible window and door you install in your home, up to $2,000, and save…

Solar PV systems

Solar PV systems provide energy to your home and business in a sustainable manner. They can help reduce your monthly…

Solar panels in a field

Heat pump rebates

Ground source heat pumps are efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. They can reduce your current electric heating costs by up…

Heat pump being installed

Home Insulation Rebate

QUALIFY. INSULATE. GET A REBATE. Your home may not have enough insulation, especially if it was built before 1999. Adding…

Man installing insulation

Income based offers

If you’re living with a limited income, we can help you lower your monthly energy bills and make your home…

Couple talking to expert in kitchen




We’ve put together tips to help save energy and money at home over the summer months.
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Use these tips to ensure your air conditioning unit is running as efficiently and effectively as possible.
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Programming your variable-speed pool pump

Programming your variable-speed pool pump

Properly programming your ENERGY STAR® certified variable-speed pool pump is essential to maximize your energy savings throughout the summer months. Doing so can help you save up to $300 on your energy bills each pool season.
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School's almost out for summer

School’s almost out for summer

Kids around the province rejoice: school’s almost out for summer! Keep them busy with these fun and inexpensive activities, and save some energy at home while you’re at it.
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Green landscaping

Green landscaping

It’s that time of year again – the sun is shining, the snow is melting, and Manitobans are starting to think about their lawns and gardens. Heading outside and getting your hands dirty is a great way to kick off the new season.
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Get your home ready for summer

Get your home ready for summer

Summer is just around the corner! You’re probably ready for the heat and the sunshine – but is your home? We’ve compiled a few tips to help you get your home ready for the warm weather:
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Looking for more information? Take a peek at our summer series!



What’s better than receiving a rebate for your energy efficiency upgrades? Receiving multiple rebates to save even more energy and money! 

We’re proud to provide over 40 programs and offers to help you access energy and bill savings in your home, where you work, and in your community. To make your home upgrades even more affordable, you can stack our rebates with those available through the Canada Greener Homes Initiative

In addition to our offers, the Canada Greener Homes Initiative offers grants and loans for homeowners who implement energy efficiency upgrades — such as insulation, windows and doors, air sealing, and mechanical and renewable energy systems — recommended by a certified energy advisor. You can receive a grant of up to $5,000 for eligible retrofits, and potentially qualify for interest-free loans from $5,000 to $40,000 with a repayment term of 10 years for major home retrofits. These rebates can be stacked with our rebates so you can save more! 

The Canada Greener Homes Initiative also offers up to $600 for a pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation. Before starting any work and to qualify for the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, a certified energy advisor must complete your evaluation; they’ll recommend energy efficiency upgrades that make sense for your home. Once you choose your upgrades and check to see if you qualify for any Efficiency Manitoba rebates, you can hire a licensed professional to complete the work. 

While the Canada Greener Homes Initiative and our programs both offer rebates for energy efficiency upgrades, there are some differences. Here are a few important things to keep in mind when comparing our rebates with the Canada Greener Homes Initiative: 

  • You can participate in multiple Efficiency Manitoba programs for your home and you could be eligible to receive the maximum rebate available for each program. But it’s important to note that the maximum grant available through the Canada Greener Homes Initiative is $5,000 per home for all energy efficiency upgrades recommended in your pre-evaluation report. 
  • Just because you qualify for a rebate through us, you won’t necessarily qualify for a grant through the Canada Greener Homes Initiative, and vice versa. 
  • While accessing the Canada Greener Homes Initiative requires a pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation, many of our programs don’t have this requirement. 
  • Some of our programs and rebates also require approval before you start any work; check them out to learn more. 


Efficiency Manitoba expands income eligibility for its Energy Efficiency Assistance Program

Approximately 40% of Manitoba households could qualify for free and significantly subsidized energy efficiency upgrades

Efficiency Manitoba has revised its income thresholds to ensure more Manitoba households are eligible to access free and significantly subsidized energy efficiency upgrades through its income-based Energy Efficiency Assistance Program. The program assists homeowners and tenants in implementing energy efficiency upgrades to their homes to reduce their monthly energy bills, while also helping improve the comfort of their homes. 

“This program is an important part of our government’s commitment to helping Manitobans save money on their energy bills while reducing our province’s carbon footprint,” said Kevin Klein, Minister of Environment and Climate and the Minister responsible for Efficiency Manitoba. “By supporting energy-efficient home upgrades and renovations, this program is making a real difference in the lives of families and individuals across the province. With this change, more people can enjoy the benefits of an energy-efficient home, while also playing a role in creating a more sustainable future for all Manitobans.”  

Program eligibility is based on low-income cut-off (LICO) values for urban centers with more than 500,000 residents, as determined by Statistics Canada. Efficiency Manitoba has increased these thresholds from LICO 125 (LICO plus 25%) to LICO 145 (LICO plus 45%) making more Manitobans eligible. This change means approximately 40% or 192,000 low- to moderate-income households in Manitoba will now qualify. The increase will see a two-person household now qualify with a total household income (before deductions) of $53,035 or less, while a four-person household will qualify with a total household income of $79,161 or less. 

“Energy efficiency and the benefits it provides should be accessible for everyone. We want to ensure this particular program, one of over 40 programs and offers through Efficiency Manitoba, is available to as many households as possible,” said Colleen Kuruluk, CEO of Efficiency Manitoba. “Expanding the eligibility of our Energy Efficiency Assistance Program will allow more people to participate in this program and benefit from the improved comfort of their homes, while also importantly saving on their monthly energy bills.”  

Efficiency Manitoba’s Energy Efficiency Assistance Program helps to minimize the financial cost to households by providing free or significantly subsidized energy efficiency upgrades while also simplifying the process for customers through a turn-key approach. All participants receive a free home energy check-up from an energy advisor and have free energy-saving devices installed in their homes. Homeowners and renters may also be eligible for a free insulation upgrade or a subsidized natural gas furnace or boiler upgrade; Efficiency Manitoba will connect the customer with a registered contractor to complete the upgrade. 

Increasing access to energy efficiency through door-to-door outreach 

Efficiency Manitoba is dedicated to working with Manitobans at a community level to ensure homeowners and renters are aware of the Energy Efficiency Assistance Program and can easily participate. 

For example, Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, located in the Elmwood neighbourhood in Winnipeg, works with residents, businesses, and service providers in the area to plan and execute initiatives that benefit the community. Efficiency Manitoba provides funding to the organization to hire an Energy Efficiency Advocate as a strategy to increase program participation. Each week from spring to fall, this advocate canvasses particular neighbourhood blocks and engages with community members, encouraging residents to take part in the program and helping to address barriers to participation. 

Residents living on these blocks and within the community are pre-qualified to participate without having to provide income verification documents, making the process even simpler. This turn-key approach helps participants every step of the way in becoming more energy efficient. 

“We’ve worked with many residents in our community to spread the word and help them participate in this valuable program,” said Leilani Esteban, Executive Director of the Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation. “By having someone at the community level, talking to people one-on-one, we are able to meet people where they’re at and share information on how they can save money, use less energy, and reduce their carbon footprint.”  

The Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC) Manitoba applauded the change to the income threshold. The organization informs and educates consumers on marketplace issues and advocates on behalf of consumers with government and industry. Jacqueline Wasney is a board member of the CAC Manitoba and sits on an Advisory Committee for Efficiency Manitoba as an advocate for the consumer interest.  

“A lot of what we’re hearing is that people want to find solutions to help lower their bills for the long term,” said Wasney. “Efficiency Manitoba is doing good work to help make home efficiency upgrades more affordable for more Manitobans. Investing in energy efficiency in our homes results in long-term savings, but they also mean people and families can enjoy much more comfortable homes and a little extra money in their pockets.”  

For more information about Efficiency Manitoba’s Energy Efficiency Assistance Program, visit

About Efficiency Manitoba

Efficiency Manitoba is Manitoba’s Crown corporation dedicated to energy efficiency. With legislated long-term energy savings targets to achieve, the organization has over 40 diverse programs and offers available to help Manitobans save energy, money, and the environment.  

Release date: June 5, 2023



Our Business Lighting Program provides financial incentives and expert advice to assist in making energy-efficient lighting upgrades in your business or building — and that’s exactly how we helped Flinty’s Boardwalk save energy and money! 

Flinty’s Boardwalk, managed by the Flinty Committee, stretches 2.2 kilometres around the idyllic shores of Ross Lake in Flin Flon. In the mid-1990s, the committee was tasked to highlight its already beautiful features and make this a welcoming attraction for tourists, creating the Flinty Boardwalk that can be enjoyed year-round. 


Back in the fall of 2010, having received 29 poles from Manitoba Hydro, the committee was able to illuminate a one-kilometre section of the trail using 250-watt flood lights. Recently, they were looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption by upgrading the lighting that runs along the boardwalk. In their search, they came across our Business Lighting Program and we were ready to help!  


Through our program, we provided the Flinty Committee with financial incentives to cover some of the costs of the upgrade. Their contractor, Beech Electric, replaced all the old pole lights along the boardwalk from high pressure sodium to LEDs. Because of this upgrade, they’ll realize a total of 52,000 kWh (kilowatt-hours) in annual electricity savings and will save $2,600 on their energy bills each year! We were also able to provide them with over $3,800 in incentives, which includes the 25% customer bonus that we’re currently providing on all lighting projects. 

The overall cost of the project was significantly reduced through Efficiency Manitoba’s program. Feedback we’ve had from nocturnal ramblers since installing the new lights have been universally positive — some noting that the lights and their reflections in the lake look like a string of pearls!”

Dave Price
Chairman, Flinty Committee


Applying for incentives is easy with our online application system, myEM. Business and building owners can apply on their own, or lighting suppliers or contractors can apply on their behalf. 

All you need to do is log in and fill out your project information, we review the project details and send you your approval. Once you receive our approval, you can get started with your installation. 

When your lighting upgrade is completed, upload your invoice to myEM. We’ll process your application and send you your cheque! 


Business and building owners or their lighting suppliers or contractors can apply for financial incentives through the Business Lighting Program on our website. Check out our program guide to see our incentive rates and eligibility requirements.


We highly encourage you to join our supplier network. You’ll be listed on our website as a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier and can offer our programs to your customers. You’ll also have access to training opportunities and materials offered by our team of experts and can promote our energy efficiency programs in your advertising. The best part? It’s free to register and participate. 



May long weekend is always a welcome retreat! What better way to enjoy our province than by getting outside and soaking up some vitamin D? Here are four adventures you can take to unplug and explore Manitoba. 


Head to Spruce Woods Provincial Park and visit the Spirit Sands — Manitoba’s only desert and our largest sand dunes. Hike one of the self-guided trails, ranging from two to 10 kilometres, or catch a ride on a horse-drawn wagon. This area is home to plants and animals you can find only in Manitoba. The huge dunes soak up the heat, so visit in the spring or early morning during the summer.


Whatever you’re looking for, you can find it in Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park. Relax at the spa for a day, read on the beach, learn about Icelandic history, play a round of golf, or hike to the Gull Harbour Lighthouse. If you want a longer vacation, book a hotel room or campsite.  


Spend time at FortWhyte Alive in Winnipeg for a few hours or a full day. Watch for wildlife on the trails or get on the water by renting a canoe. For a one-of-a-kind experience, go on a bison safari this summer. You’ll board a bus to get within a few metres of these animals and learn how they’ve shaped Canada’s history.  


Pisew Falls Provincial Park is 45 minutes south of Thompson and home to the second-highest waterfall in Manitoba.  Here, the Grass River drops 13 metres, which you can watch from the observation platform. A 0.5-kilometre trail takes you to a bridge over the river. Experienced hikers can continue on the 22-kilometre return trail to Kwasitchewan Falls, the highest waterfall in the province at 14 metres. 

Manitoba is truly a beautiful province and has so much to offer. Be sure to make the most of it this season and check out Travel Manitoba for more summer adventure ideas.



Manitobans are increasingly interested in using solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to power their homes and businesses — and it’s no wonder why! When it comes to renewable energy sources, the sun is high on the list. While our province is already a leader in creating clean and renewable energy through hydroelectric power, harnessing the sun’s rays through solar PV creates an additional clean energy source. 

But how do solar PV systems work and what are the benefits for homeowners and businesses? What are some important things to keep in mind before making the investment? And do we offer rebates? Spoiler: the answer is yes! 

What is solar energy?

First, we need to define solar energy. Solar energy captures light from the sun and converts it into forms of energy, like electricity and heat, that we can use. There are two methods of solar energy generation commonly seen in homes and commercial buildings: solar PV and solar thermal. Both methods use the sun’s energy to create usable energy. However, solar PV systems use the energy to generate electricity, whereas solar thermal systems use the energy to heat air or water. This article focuses on solar PV systems for generating electricity. 

How solar PV systems work

Solar PV systems are the most used solar technology. During the day, solar PV panels produce direct current (DC) power from the sun’s rays, which is fed through an inverter to create alternating current (AC) power. AC is the most common type of electrical current used in our homes. 

The benefits of solar PV

There can be many benefits to installing a solar PV system: 

  • It provides energy to your home or business in a sustainable manner. 
  • It helps reduce your monthly energy bills. 
  • It mitigates the impact of future rate increases. 
  • It can increase the value of your property. 

Connecting to the grid

Most of Manitoba’s solar PV systems are grid-connected. In a grid-connected system, any surplus electricity generated by your solar PV system that remains unused in your home or business travels back to Manitoba Hydro’s electrical grid. Connection to the grid also ensures you have a reliable supply of electricity when your solar PV system isn’t generating enough for your needs. Grid-connected solar PV systems can significantly reduce the amount of electricity you buy during daylight hours depending on a number of factors. 

Panel mounting options

There are two main ways to mount your panels: rooftop or ground mounted. 

Rooftop system installation mainly happens in urban areas where there’s not enough space for a ground system. The size of the roof may limit the size of the system, and the roof slope can make it difficult to optimize production of solar energy. However, it can still be a good option and produce a desirable amount of electricity depending on the orientation and inclination of the roof. 

Ground systems are more common on large properties with lots of space. Fixed panel systems facing due south at 40° to 50° inclination achieve better energy output, which is easier to do with a ground system. A rooftop system is often limited to the direction the roof faces (which is often not due south) and the roof slope (which is usually lower than the ideal inclination). Because they’re more accessible, fixed ground systems are generally easier to maintain and keep clean and clear of snow compared to rooftop systems. 

Install a solar PV system & get a rebate

Like any significant investment, research and understanding is key. When it comes to the investment and decision on a solar PV system, we have several articles on our website to help with your research. 

If you’ve determined that installing a solar PV system is for you, we can help. We offer rebates on solar PV systems for homes and businesses connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid. 

Check out the rest of the articles in our solar series.



What’s your role at Efficiency Manitoba?

As the Indigenous Programs Analyst, I provide research and support for all our Indigenous programs to help enhance sustainability efforts in Manitoba. The programs I work on include our Métis Energy Efficiency Offers, First Nation Insulation and Direct Install, and more. 

What do you like best about working in energy efficiency?

I have always been fascinated with renewables and clean energy. While working on my university degree, I published a paper on the connection between renewables, environmental stewardship, and Indigenous principles of land preservation. Working for Efficiency Manitoba allows me to utilize my studies and passions to support programs aligned with Indigenous principles of stewardship, as well as contribute to the preservation of Indigenous natural resources. 

What’s an accomplishment you’re most proud of?

Helping to launch our Métis Energy Efficiency Offers as well as building a strong relationship with the Manitoba Métis Federation

Can you tell us about a project you’re working on right now that you think Manitobans should know about?

One of the main projects I work on is the First Nation Insulation and Direct Install program. This program provides free energy-saving items to homes in First Nation communities, helping them save on their energy bills. We work closely with each First Nation and provide the items and support to have local labour install these products. 

Energy efficiency and sustainable technology are growing industries in Manitoba. I think it’s important for Efficiency Manitoba to work with Indigenous Peoples in implementing our programs as they have been environmental stewards of their land for many years.

Rising home renovation costs means it’s best to check Efficiency Manitoba first for savings

Efficiency Manitoba’s vast supplier network can help Manitobans prepare for another busy home renovation season

One thing that came out of the pandemic was a surge in Manitobans investing to improve their homes. With inflation and rising interest rates making those projects more expensive, Efficiency Manitoba is spreading the word and reminding people to check with them first to see if they qualify for rebates.

“Efficiency Manitoba is doing important work to help Manitobans save money when they invest in energy-saving renovations,” said Kevin Klein, Minister of Environment and Climate and the Minister responsible for Efficiency Manitoba. “Their programs and rebates improve the accessibility and affordability of energy efficiency projects immediately while also providing long term energy and bill savings benefits. Ensuring homes and businesses in our province can access energy efficiency is vital for both economic and environmental sustainability.”

The Crown corporation has produced new videos to explain some of their programs including their Home Insulation Rebate, the Energy Efficiency Assistance Program for income qualifying households, and the Small Business Program which offers a variety of energy efficiency upgrades for free or at reduced costs. These videos can be viewed on Efficiency Manitoba’s YouTube channel.

“We understand costs for materials and labour for renovation projects are continually rising. It’s important for us to make information about our programs readily available to Manitobans so they know about the many ways we can help them save money on energy efficiency upgrades,” said Colleen Kuruluk, CEO, Efficiency Manitoba. “These kinds of upgrades pay for themselves through lower energy bills and create much more comfortable spaces in homes and businesses. Upgrades that help Manitobans save natural gas also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, creating a healthier environment that we all will leave for our children and grandchildren.”

Retailers, tradespeople, and contractors are preparing for the renovation season

Home improvement retailers are expecting a busy year in 2023, according to Jason Yates, President of McMunn & Yates Building Supplies. Inflation is a top concern, which means retailers like Yates are happy to steer their customers to Efficiency Manitoba’s rebates.

“McMunn & Yates Building Supplies is proud to be a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier,” said Yates. “The spring building season is underway and we look forward to helping our customers utilize the wide range of programs from Efficiency Manitoba to save energy and money on their renovation projects.”

It also pays to get started early on any home renovation project, especially as contractors and tradespeople remain in high demand.

“As people gear up to start their summer home renovation projects, it’s a great opportunity to incorporate energy saving solutions,” said Lanny McInnes, President and CEO, Manitoba Home Builders Association. “We expect another very busy renovation season and the demand for professional renovators and contractors continues to be extremely high, so we encourage homeowners to get started with their project planning as early as possible.”

McInnes added that many contractors and home improvement retailers will be familiar with and registered to offer Efficiency Manitoba’s programs and can help customers apply for rebates. To find a supplier registered with Efficiency Manitoba, visit

For more information about Efficiency Manitoba’s rebates and offers, visit

About Efficiency Manitoba

Efficiency Manitoba is Manitoba’s Crown corporation dedicated to energy efficiency. With legislated long-term energy savings targets to achieve, the organization has over 40 programs and offers available to help Manitobans save energy, money, and the environment. Efficiency Manitoba is contributing to reconciliation through ongoing, collaborative, and mutually respectful dialogue directly with Indigenous communities and groups along with ongoing engagement, action, and support leading to energy and bill savings.

Release date: May 3, 2023