PROJECT FEATURE: Prairie Golf Supplies

Driving green: How lighting upgrades lit the path to more savings 

Our Business Lighting Program offers financial incentives for businesses that upgrade their building with energy-efficient lighting. With our help, family-owned business Prairie Golf Supplies upgraded to LED fixtures, resulting in brighter and energy-efficient lighting.    


Kyrke Nussey, Vice-President of Prairie Golf Supplies in Carman, learned about Efficiency Manitoba and the Business Lighting Program through his contractor, Wayne Waddell from Wayne Waddell Electric. Wayne told Kyrke about the incentives, giving him the confidence to take a leap for his business. “In Manitoba, neighbours look out for each other,” said Kyrke. 

In April 2024, Wayne Waddell Electric replaced 16 of the old 400-watt metal halide fixtures at Prairie Golf Supplies with LEDs. “The light distribution is better,” said Kyrke. “The lighting is a lot brighter and comes on instantly.”


With their lighting upgrade, Prairie Golf Supplies is expected to save over 16,000 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity every year, which translates to about $800 in energy bill savings annually. On top of these savings, they received a $4,000 incentive from us for the upgrades, reducing their project payback period to just two years. Kyrke received the incentive a few short weeks after the install.  

If you’re interested to know how much electricity your business could save with a lighting upgrade, check out our savings calculator! Not only can you see how many kilowatt-hours you could potentially save, but also how much you could reduce your energy bills each year.   


Our online application system makes it easy to get approved for our Business Lighting Program. Through myEM, business owners can apply on their own or have contractors apply on their behalf.  

After reviewing your application, our team will clearly outline the incentive for your proposed upgrades before you commit to the project, giving you plenty of time to discuss and review your budget.  


Business owners and contractors can apply for financial incentives through our Business Lighting Program. Check out our program guide for more details on our incentive rates and eligibility requirements.  


We highly encourage you to join our supplier network. You’ll be listed on our website as a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier and can offer our programs to your customers. You’ll also have access to training opportunities and materials offered by our team of experts and can promote our energy efficiency programs in your advertising. The best part? It’s free to register and participate!  




Your bedroom doesn’t have major appliances like your kitchen, but you might use more energy than you think. Don’t worry — you can rest easy each night knowing you’re saving energy and money by following our expert advice!


Older windows are often poorly insulated and not airtight, letting in heat during the summer and cold during the winter. This makes your home less comfortable, forces your heating and cooling systems to work harder, and causes your monthly energy bills to go up.

One solution is to install high-performance windows with features like multiple panes of glass, low-e coatings, and high-quality weatherstripping. They reduce drafts and noise from outside, which will help you sleep more soundly. We offer rebates to make this decision even easier!

Not ready to upgrade just yet? Seal gaps and cracks in and around your windows with caulking and weatherstripping to reduce air leakage.


As the warm weather approaches, hold off on using your air conditioner until absolutely necessary. You can use outdoor temperature changes to your benefit by opening and closing windows or use a fan in the spring and early summer before the hottest days arrive. Also, change your heavy winter blanket for a lighter one for a more comfortable sleep.


Unplug devices like humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heated blankets, and chargers when you’re not using them. And consider getting an LED night light instead of leaving the bathroom or hallway light on.


Want to create a relaxing ambience and save energy at the same time? Install a dimmer switch in your bedroom. Reducing light output means using less electricity.




Our valued partnerships help us reach all Manitobans in making energy efficiency upgrades. We’re proud to work with the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), the National Government of the Red River Métis, to help Red River Métis Citizens lower energy bills in their homes and businesses. Saving energy and money is made possible through our Métis Energy Efficiency Offers.

Through this partnership, we support an energy efficiency advocate at the MMF. The advocate shares program opportunities with their Red River Métis Citizens, answers any questions that come up, and helps guide them through the application process.

“The Métis Energy Efficiency Offers help out Red River Métis Citizens by reducing heating costs in their homes, and in turn lowering their energy bills,” says Keith Kowall, MMF’s energy efficiency advocate.

He shares the story of an individual whose gas furnace suddenly stopped working in late November. The customer took part in our Métis Energy Efficiency Offers for Red River Métis Citizens, and received a new high-efficiency natural gas furnace for free because of our partnership with the MMF.

Keith visits communities throughout Manitoba to share program information. He says the energy needs of people vary, meaning the energy-saving opportunities vary too.

“Outside of larger urban centres like Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie, and Steinbach, a lot of our Red River Métis Citizens rely on their heating being electric as opposed to natural gas. Their needs are a lot different than someone in a larger urban setting,” Keith says.

He encourages people to look into these programs and take part, especially starting with Métis Energy Efficiency Offers for your home, adding that it’s an opportunity not to be missed.

“Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of making your home more energy efficient, thusly reducing your monthly energy bills?” Keith says. “You can take those savings and spend it on your family.”


Red River Métis Citizens who rent or own a home can take part in our Métis Energy Efficiency Offers, which can include the following:

  • A free home energy check-up to find ways to save energy
  • Free energy-saving devices, including LEDs, energy-efficient showerheads and aerators, and air-sealing products
  • Free insulation for your attic, walls, and basement for qualifying areas (with installation included)
  • A free natural gas furnace upgrade when replacing either a standard-efficiency or mid-efficiency furnace with costs offset by the MMF
  • A $5,000 rebate when upgrading from a standard-efficiency natural gas boiler to a high-efficiency natural gas boiler.




A lot of life happens in the living room. Since it’s a place where we spend so much time — and use a lot of energy, too — it’s good to take note of your energy consumption and find ways to lower it. These energy-saving tips for your living room will help you save on your energy bills!


Did you know electronics that are plugged in draw power even when you aren’t using them? This is called standby or phantom power, which can account for up to 10% of your household electricity use!

Use an advanced power strip with electronics like your TV and gaming system to stop them from drawing power when they’re not in use. Simply plug your TV into the main outlet of the advanced power strip, and plug your gaming console into one of the controlled outlets. When you turn off your TV, you automatically cut power to your gaming system.


  • During air conditioning season, increase your home’s temperature by at least 3°C at night or while you’re away to save on cooling costs. A smart thermostat can automate these temperature changes and can be controlled remotely.
  • Don’t leave your devices idle! Remember to turn off your TV, computer, and other electronics when you’re not using them.
  • Make the switch to LED light bulbs, which use up to 80% less electricity than incandescent bulbs.



Your heating system is the single largest user of energy at home; it can account for almost 60% of your energy bill! To lower your electric heating costs, consider an energy-efficient heat pump. They transfer heat energy from the air or the ground to warm or cool your home. We also offer rebates on both air source and ground source heat pumps to make your upgrade more affordable.

Whyte Ridge Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning (a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier) has installed air source heat pumps in homes throughout Manitoba.

“We’ve had amazing feedback from people that they’re reducing their electric bills. The cost of installing an air source heat pump is higher than a traditional air conditioner, but when you do this with support from Efficiency Manitoba, it makes it a lot more reasonable to get it going, and you can save as you go.”  

– Taylor Adolphe, Operations Manager at Whyte Ridge Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning 

The contractor works with you to submit the required documents for our heat pump rebate, and we’re here to help every step of the way.

“Efficiency Manitoba is very quick to check over everything, so there’s a level of confidence that we’re putting in a product that works. Efficiency Manitoba is on your side,” Taylor says. “When we have a question, we can reach out to Efficiency Manitoba’s heat pump team, and we can talk with them directly.”

Air source heat pumps can only operate down to a certain temperature (approximately between -10°C to 25°C, depending on the manufacturer’s specification), so you’ll need to have a secondary source of heating. Historically, air source heat pumps have been seen as only having electric back-up heat, but they can also work with a natural gas back-up, which is known as a hybrid system.

In a hybrid system, the heat pump operates as the primary source of heating, and the natural gas furnace provides the secondary source of heating. When the outdoor air temperature drops below the air source heat pump’s operation point, the home’s thermostat will switch the heating source to the natural gas furnace. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

With last year’s mild temperatures continuing through December, Taylor said people with a hybrid system were able to operate their air source heat pump well into the winter!


Before you upgrade your heating system, it’s a good idea to first improve the insulation, windows, and airtightness of your home. These measures are often more cost effective, reduce your energy bills, and could help lower the cost of your heat pump system by reducing the size of heating system that you need.

Once you’re ready to upgrade your heating system, we recommend getting quotes from several of our registered contractors. Be sure to send your application for approval before purchasing your heat pump or starting any work.



Air heat pumps beside house

A compressor circulates refrigerant that absorbs and releases heat between the indoor and outdoor equipment. In winter, heat is pulled from the outdoor air to warm your home. In summer, the system pulls heat from within the home and transfers it to the outdoor air.


  • Provides heating and cooling
  • Easy to retrofit with your existing infrastructure
  • Hybrid systems can reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduces your electric heating costs by up to 30%


Heat pump being installed

An electric pump circulates fluid through a loop of pipes buried underground. In heating mode, the fluid absorbs heat from the ground, which stays at a stable temperature. Heat is extracted from the fluid and delivered into your home. In summer, heat is redistributed back into the ground.


  • Provides heating and cooling
  • Low carbon heating solution
  • Ideal for large lots and open spaces
  • Reduces your electric heating costs by up to 60%


Joint efforts will result in improved bill affordability and lower home maintenance costs for Manitoba families

Efficiency Manitoba and Habitat for Humanity Manitoba (Habitat Manitoba) are proud to announce the signing of a collaboration agreement to jointly pursue energy use reductions in homes. This partnership between Manitoba’s Crown corporation for energy efficiency and the affordable housing organization will enable the construction, operation, and maintenance of energy-efficient housing for low-income homeowners throughout the province, leading to lower living costs for Habitat Partner families.

Habitat Manitoba takes great pride in consistently building some of the most energy-efficient houses in Canada in any price range. They’ll be able to expand on their successes through this collaborative effort by acting on Efficiency Manitoba’s expert advice regarding energy-efficient construction practices and technologies, as well as providing education to ensure homeowners are able to adopt energy-efficient practices in their new homes. These strategies will result in lower monthly energy bills for Habitat homeowners, alongside improved home comfort and reduced environmental impacts.

”I am very pleased to see these two dedicated organizations work together to achieve shared goals for the benefit of Manitobans,” said Tracy Schmidt, Minister of Environment and Climate Change. “The collaboration agreement between Efficiency Manitoba and Habitat Manitoba presents great potential to bring greater energy efficiency into more homes, address the climate crisis, and make homeownership more affordable for those who need it most.”

Efficiency Manitoba’s mandate to achieve significant electricity and natural gas savings in the province is achieved through delivering programs, rebates, and advice for homes, businesses, and communities. Their team of technical experts will provide guidance to Habitat Manitoba in energy-efficient technologies and construction practices. Efficiency Manitoba also offers a variety of rebates and initiatives to reduce the costs associated with energy efficiency upgrades, allowing homeowners to realize immediate and long-term bill savings.

“Bill affordability and energy poverty are real issues many Manitoba families are experiencing in greater numbers than ever before. Helping Manitobans access our rebates and expertise to incorporate energy efficiency into their homes plays an important role in addressing these burdens,” said Colleen Kuruluk, CEO of Efficiency Manitoba. “By collaborating with Habitat Manitoba, we’re driving even more opportunities to help Manitobans on a limited income understand the value of saving energy and take advantage of its many benefits.”

Habitat Manitoba is actively involved with Efficiency Manitoba’s New Homes Program, which provides homeowners and builders with rebates and expert design assistance when they build energy-efficient new homes. Homes constructed through the program are at least 25% more energy efficient than new homes built to minimum building code requirements; they also receive an energy label and a Certified Energy Efficient designation from Efficiency Manitoba. Impressively, Habitat Manitoba has already shown great leadership in energy efficiency with all new homes designed to meet and exceed Efficiency Manitoba’s New Homes Program standards, many of which are also Net Zero Energy Ready. “Building energy-efficient homes is one of the ways that we ensure that both the purchase cost and the operating costs are affordable for the low-income families that we serve,” said Jamie Hall, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Manitoba. “This commitment to collaboration with Efficiency Manitoba will help us ensure we are doing the most we can for our families and for our planet. I am looking forward to the mutual benefits from this renewed relationship.”

About Efficiency Manitoba

Efficiency Manitoba is Manitoba’s Crown corporation dedicated to energy efficiency. With legislated long-term energy savings targets to achieve, the organization has over 40 diverse offers available to help Manitobans save energy, money, and the environment.

About Habitat for Humanity Manitoba

Habitat for Humanity Manitoba (Habitat Manitoba) brings communities together to help families build strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership. Since 1987, Habitat Manitoba has collaborated with local businesses, organizations, groups and thousands of dedicated volunteers to build homes for over 500 families in the province and Kenora, Ontario.

Release date: May 2, 2024



Spring is officially here!

The weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. It’s finally time to switch off our heating systems and enjoy the beautiful days ahead — and why not save energy (and money) while you’re at it? 

We’re here to be your number one resource for energy efficiency. We have programs and rebates to help you save when you invest in energy efficiency upgrades in your home, business, or community. Plus, our articles are full of expert advice, tips, and information about how our offers can help you save now and for years into the future. 

Before planning your next energy efficiency upgrade, check Efficiency Manitoba first.

Some energy efficiency upgrades are best tackled when the weather is warm, such as upgrading your home’s windows, doors, and insulation. Check out our programs and rebates that are ideal for spring and summer. 


Windows & doors

Get a $100 rebate on each eligible window and door you install in your home, up to $2,000, and save…


Making sure your home is adequately insulated is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce your energy bills. We…

Fiberglass insulation in interior wall

Heat pump rebates

Ground source heat pumps are efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. They can reduce your current electric heating costs by up…

Heat pump being installed

Solar PV systems

Solar PV systems provide energy to your home and business in a sustainable manner. They can help reduce your monthly…

Solar panels in a field

Income based offers

If you’re living with a limited income, we can help you lower your monthly energy bills and make your home…

Couple talking to expert in kitchen

Home energy retrofits

If you’re planning an extensive home renovation that will significantly reduce your home’s energy usage, your project could qualify for…

Exterior of house under construction


Spring 2024 magazine

Spring 2024 magazine

Read the spring 2024 edition of our magazine.
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We want to help ease the financial burden many Manitobans face. That’s why we’re proud to offer our Energy Efficiency Assistance Program.
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Use these tips to ensure your air conditioning unit is running as efficiently and effectively as possible.
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Green landscaping

Green landscaping

It’s that time of year again – the sun is shining, the snow is melting, and Manitobans are starting to think about their lawns and gardens. Heading outside and getting your hands dirty is a great way to kick off the new season.
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The kitchen is one of the rooms in your home that uses the most energy since it houses multiple major appliances. And because this area uses so much energy, it’s a place where energy-saving habits can have a noticeable impact. Follow these tips to start saving energy today:

  • When purchasing new appliances, make sure they’re ENERGY STAR® certified. ENERGY STAR is an internationally recognized program that identifies the most efficient products available for purchase. If you notice that an appliance has a blue ENERGY STAR label, you can be confident it’s in the top 10% to 30% of its class in energy performance. You may also want to look into buying an ENERGY STAR Most Efficient appliance. This is an annual designation awarded to the “best of the best” ENERGY STAR certified models in select product categories.
  • When the weather allows, cook your meals on the grill to keep excess heat out of your home.
  • If you have small appliances like air fryers and pressure cookers, use them instead of always using your oven. Make sure to also unplug your other countertop appliances, such as your coffee maker, after using them.
  • Clean your refrigerator coils periodically to regulate the temperature. Vacuuming the grill beneath or behind your fridge regularly will help extend the life of your refrigerator compressor.
  • Run your dishwasher only when it’s full and use the energy-saving cycle if it has one. When it’s used correctly (and when the model is ENERGY STAR certified), a dishwasher can be more energy efficient than washing by hand since it uses less hot water.
  • Set your fridge thermostat to 4°C and your freezer to -18°C.
  • Put a piece of paper in your fridge door and close the door. If the paper slides out when pulled, there’s a good chance the seal isn’t tight and should be cleaned or replaced.
  • Let leftovers cool before putting them in the fridge, allowing the appliance to do less work.
  • If you have an exterior door into your kitchen, make sure it’s properly air sealed. Also, consider replacing the door with an energy-efficient model. We offer rebates on select ENERGY STAR certified high-performance doors!
  • Install a kitchen faucet aerator to reduce water consumption.

Spring 2024 magazine


The latest edition of our magazine is here! Read about tips to help you save energy in different rooms throughout your home, find out how to enter our giveaway, and learn about programs and rebates that can help you start saving now and for years to come.

Check your mailbox for a physical copy or click the magazine below to learn more.


If you haven’t received a magazine or prefer an electronic copy, download the digital version.

Our electronic spring magazine is also available in French! Read the French magazine here or download the digital version to have on hand for your energy efficiency needs.



Our Business Lighting Program offers financial incentives for businesses who complete lighting upgrades in their buildings. With our help, the Winnipeg Soccer Federation scored big savings by installing energy-efficient lighting in their soccer complex.  


When Kory Stagg, Facilities Manager for the Winnipeg Soccer Federation, was looking to upgrade the lighting in their soccer complex, Mike Taylor, an electrician and installer for Wired Up Electric Ltd., suggested applying for our Business Lighting Program. 

“Mike came to quote the field lights and suggested we upgrade the lighting in the whole facility,” Kory remarked. “While he was here, he said there are commercial lighting upgrade incentives available through Efficiency Manitoba.” 

With help from our program, they switched the T8 lighting in their interior offices, hallways, common areas, concourse, and change rooms to LEDs. Above the indoor soccer fields and on the exterior of their facility, they upgraded from metal halide lighting to LEDs.


Better lighting isn’t the only benefit of upgrading their fixtures. Not only will the soccer complex  save on maintenance and replacement costs, they can also expect to save more than 260,000 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity each year, resulting in energy bill savings of approximately $13,000 annually. Plus, they received an impressive incentive of $47,650, which includes the additional 25% customer bonus that we’re offering on all lighting projects until March 31, 2025.   

“I was having to replace or repair lights frequently throughout the winter seasons. It’s our busiest season, and since the upgrades I haven’t had to repair any. Maintenance free so far!”   

Kory Stagg
Facilities Manager of the Winnipeg Soccer Federation

Interested in how much electricity you could save? Check out our savings calculator to see not only how many kilowatt-hours you could potentially save, but also how much you could be saving on your energy bills each year. 


We make the process easy. Through our online application system, myEM, building owners can apply on their own or their lighting suppliers or contractors can apply on their behalf. 

 Terry Reimer, Winnipeg Soccer Federation’s lighting supplier at EECOL Electric, submitted the Business Lighting Program application on their behalf. Once we approved their application, Wired Up Electric Ltd. installed the new lighting, and we sent them their incentive cheque. 

“Just go for it,” Kory said. “If you can financially do it right now, make the change because these incentives are the real deal. I think sometimes people read about these programs and the cost savings and aren’t sure, but we’re seeing the benefit already. I encourage everyone to make the change to LED to start saving.” 


Building owners or their lighting suppliers or contractors can apply for financial incentives through the Business Lighting Program. Check out our program guide to see our incentive rates and eligibility requirements. 


We highly encourage you to join our supplier network. You’ll be listed on our website as a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier and can offer our programs to your customers. You’ll also have access to training opportunities and materials offered by our team of experts and can promote our energy efficiency programs in your advertising. The best part? It’s free to register and participate!