Our Business Lighting Program offers financial incentives for businesses who complete energy-efficient lighting upgrades in their buildings. Adam’s Autoglass, an automotive repair shop located in Roblin, upgraded their lighting with our help, resulting in a brighter space, reduced energy use, and monthly energy bill savings. 


Adam Smith, owner of Adam’s Autoglass, heard about our Business Lighting Program through a friend who just installed new lights at his shop. Adam started his own upgrade in March 2024, and the team at Boyce Electric upgraded his existing T12 fixtures with 56 new LED fixtures. “I absolutely love the new lights,” said Adam. “I needed to brighten my shop, and the new lights definitely do the job!”  


With brand new LEDs, Adam’s Autoglass is expected to save 14,400 kWh of electricity every year, which translates to about $480 annually on their energy bills. On top of this, Adam received a $1,370 incentive toward the upgrades, which includes the additional 25% customer bonus we’re offering on lighting projects completed before March 31, 2025.  


Upgrading your building and increasing energy efficiency in your business is an easy process. Through myEM, business owners can apply on their own or have contractors apply on their behalf.  

After reviewing your application, our team will outline the incentive for your proposed upgrades before you commit to the project. This way you have plenty of time to discuss and review your budget.  

“The whole process was super simple,” said Adam. “My energy bill is about $40 less every month. Now the shop looks great, and I’m saving energy and money!” 


Business owners or contractors can apply for financial incentives through the Business Lighting Program on our website. Check out our program guide for more information on our incentive rates and eligibility requirements. 


If you’re a supplier or contractor, we highly encourage you to join our supplier network. You’ll be listed on our website as a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier and can offer our programs to your customers. You’ll also have access to training opportunities and materials offered by our team of experts and can promote our energy efficiency programs in your advertising. The best part? It’s free to register and participate! 



In celebration of the 2023 BDC Small Business Week™, we hosted a contest on behalf of our Small Business Program and Indigenous Small Business program to give four small businesses in Manitoba the energy efficiency upgrades they needed for free. 

The four winners of this contest received a free Premium Upgrade and a $500 credit on their energy bill. 

The first winner we’re featuring is Rae’s Bistro, a local restaurant located in Winnipeg’s North Kildonan neighbourhood.  


From their humble beginnings in 2018 to the vibrant dining experience offered today, the owners of Rae’s Bistro, Danny Van Lancker and Jillian Flynn, have always ensured that social and environmental responsibility are top of mind. Rae’s Bistro began as a small local food establishment, relying on a limited set of cutlery and upcycled furniture. Fast forward to today, Rae’s Bistro boasts an elegant selection of local beer, fine wine, craft cocktails, and homemade comfort food, all in an upbeat environment.  

Danny and Jillian were looking to make even more improvements to their restaurant. By participating in our 2023 Small Business Week contest, Rae’s Bistro was able to make energy efficiency upgrades to their lighting systems at no cost. As one of the winners of the contest, they upgraded 40 fluorescent lamps to energy-efficient LED lamps, and we covered all project costs. They can expect to save nearly 1,200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity every year.  

We covered 100% of the labour and material costs as part of the contest prize and awarded Rae’s Bistro with a $500 energy bill credit. Now their team can continue to offer a delightful dining experience, all while saving energy.  

“Rae’s Bistro is our dream; we have put everything we own financially and emotionally into it. This spring we started the next phase of our redesign and renovation, and the already completed lighting upgrades will be a huge asset.” 

— Danny, Co-owner of Rae’s Bistro


If you’re the owner of a small business and looking to make energy efficiency upgrades, we can help! Our small business programs are full-service solutions to help your business become more energy efficient. We’ll install free basic energy-saving products and complete a free lighting and pitched roof attic insulation assessment of your business to see if you could benefit from a Premium Upgrade. 



Keep cool with programs and rebates that can help you save energy and money when you invest in energy efficiency upgrades for your home and business. 

We’re here to be your number one resource for energy efficiency tips and advice so you can start saving immediately. Our articles are full of tips to help you implement small changes in your daily routine that can make a big impact when it comes to saving energy (and money!).  

Before planning your next energy efficiency upgrade, check Efficiency Manitoba first.


Don’t sweat your energy bill this summer. We have programs and rebates for upgrades that are best tackled when the weather is warm and will help keep you comfortable all year long. 

Looking for more information? Take a peek at our summer series!



We’re proud to support the planning and development of 22 energy-efficient ready-to-move childcare facilities across Manitoba through our New Buildings Program!  

Our New Buildings Program provides incentives for the design and construction of new energy-efficient buildings that are modelled to be at least 5% more efficient than the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB). The program also offers an Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive which allows participants to determine the savings impact of each energy efficiency feature on the building early in the design process. This helps in the selection of materials, technologies, and processes that will bring the most value to each project. 


JQ Built, an innovative municipal participation corporation owned by 12 municipalities, has teamed up with local experts to enable the design and delivery of new childcare facilities across Manitoba.  

The JQ Built approach is focused on collaboration and teamwork, the childcare facilities were designed once and replicated. This approach maximizes construction efficiencies, utilizes economies of scale, expedites timelines and allows for continuous improvement. The JQ Built team has worked closely with the municipalities, facilitating access to Efficiency Manitoba’s offers, that provide long-term benefits to communities. 

This video by JQ Built provides more detail about the project and showcases its many benefits. 

“This is a really important and unique project; the municipalities are collaborating to create better buildings and reduce construction costs as well as servicing costs. By taking advantage of everything Efficiency Manitoba has to offer and ensuring each childcare center has energy modeling, we are not only creating a better environment for the children, but the JQ Built team approach is saving community taxpayers money over the short term and over the long term.” 

— Colleen Sklar, CEO of JohnQ Public / JQ Built

The project is being implemented in two phases. The first phase included the planning and construction of nine childcare facilities in rural Manitoba.  

All nine projects have successfully completed the Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive phase and are enrolled in our New Buildings Program Performance Path. They received a $5,000 incentive to offset the cost of energy modelling services during the project’s design phase; they can expect to receive an additional $5,000 towards energy modelling services upon project completion. All projects are designed to be at least 20% more efficient than the minimum requirements of the MECB. 

The project’s second phase will include the design and construction of 16 additional childcare facilities in rural Manitoba.  

The energy efficiency features incorporated into these buildings include: 

  • improved building envelope; 
  • high-performance windows; 
  • efficient mechanical systems; and 
  • ventilation air heat recovery. 

“The Efficiency Manitoba New Buildings Program plays a crucial role in assisting our clients with the design and construction of energy-efficient buildings throughout the province. The combination of energy modelling aligned with Energy Code compliance and commissioning to help ensure a properly functioning building is a great package. This comprehensive program enables design teams to select appropriate energy-efficient upgrades and results in significant energy savings for years to come for the owner’s new buildings, all coupled with valuable incentives and technical resources from Efficiency Manitoba.” 

— Kelly Winder, Principal, Energy Modelling, Crosier Kilgour


Each facility is estimated to save an impressive 37,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity every year, which translates into estimated annual savings of approximately $1,850 on their energy bills.  

As each facility’s building energy performance is estimated to be 20% more efficient than the minimum requirements of the MECB, they’re expected to be eligible for the maximum incentive of $2 per square foot offered through our New Buildings Program Performance Path. Most facilities have a total conditioned floor area of approximately 5,800 square feet, which could make them each eligible for an estimated incentive of $11,600 based on the anticipated performance level. 

Because of their energy efficiency upgrades, each childcare facility will not only receive incentives through our New Buildings Program to help offset the costs, but they’ll save energy and money on their energy bills for years to come. The improved building envelope will lead to less condensation and fewer drafts, creating a more comfortable space for both childcare employees and students. The building owners will also benefit from increased building value, improved aesthetics, and lower operational costs.  


To qualify for the New Buildings Program, the project must be new construction or an addition and follow the MECB. You need to apply early in the design phase.  

Projects can receive incentives through two parts of the program: the Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive and the Performance Path.  

For the Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive, email your application to us before the project tender date. Once your project is approved, work with an energy modeller to complete the energy modelling report and send it to us along with the invoice for modelling services. We’ll provide feedback on the project and process your incentive.  

For the Performance Path, email your application to us no later than six months after receiving a building permit; however, the earlier the better to ensure all project team members are aware of the program requirements. Once it’s approved, work with your project team to complete and submit the program deliverables outlined in the program guide as your project progresses. We’ll review the deliverables, provide feedback, and process the incentive when your project is complete.  

You can find more information and the application forms on the program web page. We’re here to offer technical assistance and guidance throughout the entire process. 



Your heating system is the single largest user of energy at home; it can account for almost 60% of your energy bill! To lower your electric heating costs, consider an energy-efficient heat pump. They transfer heat energy from the air or the ground to warm or cool your home. We also offer rebates on both air source and ground source heat pumps to make your upgrade more affordable.



Air heat pumps beside house

A compressor circulates refrigerant that absorbs and releases heat between the indoor and outdoor equipment. In winter, heat is pulled from the outdoor air to warm your home. In summer, the system pulls heat from within the home and transfers it to the outdoor air.


  • Provides heating and cooling
  • Easy to retrofit with your existing infrastructure
  • Hybrid systems can reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduces your electric heating costs by up to 30%


Heat pump being installed

An electric pump circulates fluid through a loop of pipes buried underground. In heating mode, the fluid absorbs heat from the ground, which stays at a stable temperature. Heat is extracted from the fluid and delivered into your home. In summer, heat is redistributed back into the ground.


  • Provides heating and cooling
  • Low carbon heating solution
  • Ideal for large lots and open spaces
  • Reduces your electric heating costs by up to 60%


Before you upgrade your heating system, it’s a good idea to first improve the insulation, windows, and airtightness of your home. These measures are often more cost effective, reduce your energy bills, and could help lower the cost of your heat pump system by reducing the size of heating system that you need.

Once you’re ready to upgrade your heating system, we recommend getting quotes from several of our registered contractors. Be sure to send your application for approval before purchasing your heat pump or starting any work.




Your basement may be at the bottom of your list when considering energy efficiency upgrades. Still, it’s a part of your home where you can create a comfortable living space while achieving significant energy savings.


If you have an inefficient heating system or your basement is uninsulated, it’s likely you’re paying much more than you need to on your energy bills. The good news? We can help make these upgrades more affordable.

Upgrading the insulation in your basement will keep the heat out during warmer months and in during cooler months. Having proper insulation means you’ll use less energy to cool and heat your home, lower your energy bills, and have a more comfortable living space. Through our Home Insulation Rebate, you can get money back on your material costs when you insulate your foundation walls. Income-qualifying households may also be eligible for free insulation upgrades in their basement through our Energy Efficiency Assistance Program or Métis Energy Efficiency Offers.

Some homes still have standard- and mid-efficiency natural gas furnaces or standard-efficiency boilers. You may qualify for a high-efficiency natural gas furnace or boiler upgrade through our income-based Energy Efficiency Assistance Program or Métis Energy Efficiency Offers.


Crown corporation dedicated to energy efficiency recognized for significant achievements in helping Manitobans save energy in 2023

Efficiency Manitoba is pleased to accept the 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada Award for Utility/Program Administrator of the Year from Natural Resources Canada. This prestigious award recognizes the Crown corporation’s leadership and innovation in promoting energy-efficient technologies and products through the administration of their diverse, accessible energy efficiency offers.

Each year, the ENERGY STAR Canada Awards acknowledge businesses and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability by issuing awards in several categories. The Utility/Program Administrator of the Year award recognizes an organization that has shown excellence in promoting and encouraging uptake in the installation of ENERGY STAR certified products.

Efficiency Manitoba accepted their award at a ceremony held at Natural Resources Canada, Camsell Hall, 580 Booth St, Ottawa, Ontario on June 4, 2024.

“I would like to congratulate the Efficiency Manitoba team for receiving ENERGY STAR Canada’s Utility/Program Administrator of the Year award,” said Tracy Schmidt, Minister of Environment and Climate Change. “Efficiency Manitoba plays a vital role in our province’s energy future and progress towards sustainability. ENERGY STAR Canada’s recognition of Efficiency Manitoba’s dedication to helping Manitobans make energy-efficient purchasing decisions shows that they are truly making a difference and forging a path to a better tomorrow. Our government is so proud of this work and this recognition.”

A variety of noteworthy accomplishments led to Efficiency Manitoba winning in its category. Some of their achievements in 2023 include:

  • offering six programs for residential and commercial customers to upgrade to ENERGY STAR certified products (among an extensive suite of energy efficiency offers serving all customer segments);
  • achieving a milestone of rebating one million products, nearly 90% of which were ENERGY STAR certified products, through their Instant Rebate offer;
  • providing instant rebates on over 80,000 ENERGY STAR certified LED specialty bulbs, fixtures, and smart thermostats in 2023 alone; and
  • promoting the installation of nearly 3,000 ENERGY STAR certified windows and doors.

“Receiving the Utility/Program Administrator of the Year Award from ENERGY STAR Canada is an honour that reinforces our commitment to maximizing energy savings for homes and businesses throughout the province,” said Colleen Kuruluk, CEO of Efficiency Manitoba. “On behalf of Efficiency Manitoba, I’d like to thank Natural Resources Canada and ENERGY STAR Canada for recognizing our achievements and the importance of the work we do for all Manitobans.”

ENERGY STAR is an internationally recognized program that labels the most energy-efficient products on the market; certified products are third-party tested and in the top 15% to 30% of their class for energy performance. Efficiency Manitoba considers ENERGY STAR certification when designing and implementing energy efficiency offers, meaning Manitobans can more easily recognize and value the benefits of energy-efficient products and see reductions in their energy bills. Promoting the purchase and installation of ENERGY STAR certified products leads to greater energy savings when completing upgrades in homes and businesses, which helps Efficiency Manitoba achieve its long-term electricity and natural gas savings targets.

“Congratulations to Efficiency Manitoba on being awarded a 2024 ENERGY STAR Canada award. Your efforts are driving innovation in energy efficiency, helping Canadians to save money on energy bills and contributing to the fight against climate change. The Government of Canada is very pleased to support energy efficiency solutions on our collective path to a sustainable and prosperous future.” The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources

This is Efficiency Manitoba’s second ENERGY STAR Canada award, having won Promotional Campaign of the Year in 2022 for a post-sale rebate campaign on ENERGY STAR certified appliances and smart thermostats.

About Efficiency Manitoba

Efficiency Manitoba is Manitoba’s Crown corporation dedicated to energy efficiency. With legislated long-term energy savings targets to achieve, the organization has over 40 diverse offers available to help Manitobans save energy, money, and the environment.

Release date: June 19, 2024




Whether you have a big backyard, a balcony, or something in between, your outdoor space is an extension of your home. Spring is a great time to consider how to make your outdoor space more energy efficient. Here are some tips to get started!


If you have the space, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can help reduce your monthly energy bill, lessen the impact of future rate increases, and increase the value of your property. Plus, we offer rebates! Learn how our Solar Rebate can help you save.

Solar panels on the roof of a house


Install timers and motion sensors to control your outdoor lights. This way they’ll only be on when you need them, ensuring you’re using the least amount of energy possible. You can also use solar lights to create ambient lighting on your deck or pathways rather than plugging in decorative string lights.


When it’s time to turn on your air conditioner, make sure the outdoor unit is clean so it runs efficiently. Carefully brush or vacuum away any leaves, branches, grass, or debris that may have blown into your unit. If you need to replace your air conditioner, consider installing an air source heat pump, which provides both cooling and heating in one unit. Learn more about heating and cooling your home with an air source heat pump.

PROJECT FEATURE: Prairie Golf Supplies

Driving green: How lighting upgrades lit the path to more savings 

Our Business Lighting Program offers financial incentives for businesses that upgrade their building with energy-efficient lighting. With our help, family-owned business Prairie Golf Supplies upgraded to LED fixtures, resulting in brighter and energy-efficient lighting.    


Kyrke Nussey, Vice-President of Prairie Golf Supplies in Carman, learned about Efficiency Manitoba and the Business Lighting Program through his contractor, Wayne Waddell from Wayne Waddell Electric. Wayne told Kyrke about the incentives, giving him the confidence to take a leap for his business. “In Manitoba, neighbours look out for each other,” said Kyrke. 

In April 2024, Wayne Waddell Electric replaced 16 of the old 400-watt metal halide fixtures at Prairie Golf Supplies with LEDs. “The light distribution is better,” said Kyrke. “The lighting is a lot brighter and comes on instantly.”


With their lighting upgrade, Prairie Golf Supplies is expected to save over 16,000 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity every year, which translates to about $800 in energy bill savings annually. On top of these savings, they received a $4,000 incentive from us for the upgrades, reducing their project payback period to just two years. Kyrke received the incentive a few short weeks after the install.  

If you’re interested to know how much electricity your business could save with a lighting upgrade, check out our savings calculator! Not only can you see how many kilowatt-hours you could potentially save, but also how much you could reduce your energy bills each year.   


Our online application system makes it easy to get approved for our Business Lighting Program. Through myEM, business owners can apply on their own or have contractors apply on their behalf.  

After reviewing your application, our team will clearly outline the incentive for your proposed upgrades before you commit to the project, giving you plenty of time to discuss and review your budget.  


Business owners and contractors can apply for financial incentives through our Business Lighting Program. Check out our program guide for more details on our incentive rates and eligibility requirements.  


We highly encourage you to join our supplier network. You’ll be listed on our website as a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier and can offer our programs to your customers. You’ll also have access to training opportunities and materials offered by our team of experts and can promote our energy efficiency programs in your advertising. The best part? It’s free to register and participate!  




Your bedroom doesn’t have major appliances like your kitchen, but you might use more energy than you think. Don’t worry — you can rest easy each night knowing you’re saving energy and money by following our expert advice!


Older windows are often poorly insulated and not airtight, letting in heat during the summer and cold during the winter. This makes your home less comfortable, forces your heating and cooling systems to work harder, and causes your monthly energy bills to go up.

One solution is to install high-performance windows with features like multiple panes of glass, low-e coatings, and high-quality weatherstripping. They reduce drafts and noise from outside, which will help you sleep more soundly. We offer rebates to make this decision even easier!

Not ready to upgrade just yet? Seal gaps and cracks in and around your windows with caulking and weatherstripping to reduce air leakage.


As the warm weather approaches, hold off on using your air conditioner until absolutely necessary. You can use outdoor temperature changes to your benefit by opening and closing windows or use a fan in the spring and early summer before the hottest days arrive. Also, change your heavy winter blanket for a lighter one for a more comfortable sleep.


Unplug devices like humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heated blankets, and chargers when you’re not using them. And consider getting an LED night light instead of leaving the bathroom or hallway light on.


Want to create a relaxing ambience and save energy at the same time? Install a dimmer switch in your bedroom. Reducing light output means using less electricity.