Energy modelling


Energy efficiency efforts continue to evolve in Manitoba’s new construction industry. Design and construction practices are moving towards performance-based standards. A growing number of projects are pursuing energy efficiency certification through our New Buildings Program, which is awarded to projects designed to be at least 10% more energy efficient than the minimum requirements of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2020 Tier 1, and any provincial admendments. 

As we look ahead to the future, we expect to see building codes continue to play an important role in the energy performance of new construction. We’ll also likely see more projects working towards Net-Zero Energy Ready, where buildings are designed to produce as much clean energy as they consume. 

We’re excited for the future – and we can help you prepare for your energy efficiency projects today. If you’re constructing a new commercial building, investing in energy modelling is a great way to optimize your savings.   


Energy modelling is a process used to estimate the energy consumption of a building. Information about climate, solar orientation, design geometry, building materials, and mechanical and electrical systems is collected. This data is then entered into a software program to model and estimate the projected energy use of the building’s design. 

The modelling results can be used to: 

  • compare a proposed building to a similar existing building; 
  • determine how a design compares to a specific energy target or building code requirement; 
  • evaluate various energy efficiency options; and  
  • assign an overall building energy performance rating. 

Energy modelling is typically carried out by a design team who use the modelling results to provide advice and consultation to building owners and project teams. 


Energy modelling allows you to determine the savings impact of the building early in the design process so you can select the materials, technologies, and processes that will bring the most value to your project. Once the model is complete, design characteristics can be adjusted to help evaluate multiple design scenarios against project objectives, budget, and estimated energy consumption. 

Energy modelling can also be used to help meet other objectives, like determining eligibility for an incentive or demonstrating compliance with performance-based building codes.  

Cost reduction is also a significant benefit. Not only does using energy modelling early in the design process help you identify ways to save energy, but it also helps you save money and reduce the need for costly modifications and changes down the road. 

Modern building codes and construction practices are moving in the direction of performance-based standards. In the future, it’s expected that energy modelling will be a necessary part of the integrated design process. 


Our New Buildings Program offers incentives for energy modelling and construction when you design and build a new energy-efficient building. The Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive provides you with up to $12,000 for energy modelling during your project design phase. Our Performance Path offers up to $3.50 per square foot for new commercial construction projects modelled to be at least 5% more efficient than the energy code. Through this path, energy efficiency certification is awarded to projects designed to be at least 10% more energy efficient than the minimum requirements of the NECB Tier 1, and any provincial amendments.  

Condensation & humidity


If you’ve braved a Manitoba winter, you’ve likely noticed the changes that occur in your home throughout the season. The air becomes drier when your heat is on longer and you’re probably experiencing more static electricity, yet you may see condensation forming on the windows. Why is that and how can you get it under control?  


Everything around us contains moisture: the carpet, the floors, the walls, even the pile of newspapers on the kitchen table. The air around us contains a certain level of moisture too. When we talk about humidity, we usually mean relative humidity, which refers to the percentage of moisture in the air compared to the maximum moisture the air can hold.

Condensation appears when relatively warm and humid air comes in contact with a cold surface. This is most commonly seen on our windows during the colder months while we’re heating our homes, or in the bathroom after a shower. The temperature of the warm air drops rapidly as it contacts the cold window, releasing the moisture it contained. The same principle applies throughout your home and can occur behind your walls or in your attic. This can lead to the growth of mould or other potentially serious problems. 


While you want to maintain some humidity in your home, you’ll want to reduce the amount of condensation that forms as a result. Here are some ways you can manage the condensation in your home:  


A heat recovery ventilator (HRV) controls the humidity levels in your home and prevents condensation from forming. Many homes in Manitoba have an HRV, but homeowners often have theirs switched off. An HRV can be used year-round; however, using it during the summer months can actually increase the temperature inside your home. Your HRV is most beneficial during the colder months when the temperature outside is drastically different from the temperature inside our homes. If you’re not sure how to use your HRV, check out this article for more information.

If you don’t have an HRV, your furnace can help. Set your furnace’s fan to run continuously even if the heat isn’t on to keep the air in your home moving. And if you have a smart thermostat, it can run your furnace for some portion of each hour. 


As we mentioned before, your windows are typically where you can see condensation forming and can also play a big part in the levels of relative humidity in your home. If you live in an older home, your windows may be leaky, inefficient, and not doing much when it comes to insulation. 

Triple pane windows offer more of an insulating barrier, so they’ll do a better job of regulating the temperature inside the home. By upgrading your windows to triple pane, your home will be better sealed and insulated, as well as more energy efficient! If you’re considering an upgrade, check out our Windows and Doors Rebate.  

If you’re not ready to upgrade your windows just yet, consider purchasing a window insulating kit. The plastic film will act like another pane of glass and can help reduce cold air coming into your home. 


Air leakage carries air inside your walls and ceiling which can contribute to condensation. With proper insulation, you can decrease the presence of cold surfaces within your home. Air sealing saves energy and can help prevent condensation from forming where you can’t see it.

Your home may not have enough insulation. If it was built before 1999, you may be eligible for a rebate of up to 100% of your insulation material costs! Learn more about our Home Insulation Rebate and see if you and your project qualify. Our income-based Energy Efficiency Assistance Program also offers free insulation upgrades to qualifying households. 


Here are a few more tips to keep the condensation in your home at bay: 

  1. Use your exhaust fans: 
    Make sure to turn on your exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathrooms to reduce moisture when cooking or showering. 
  1. Run a dehumidifier: 
    A dehumidifier is a great option if you’re struggling with excessive moisture in your home.  
  1. Turn on the ceiling fan: 
    Your ceiling fans help to keep air circulating throughout your home and push the warm air that rises back down. 

Condensation is more prevalent during our winter cold snaps. With these tips and tools you can keep it under control and make your home more comfortable. 

Kick the winter blues


January and February can be long, cold months. The holidays are behind us and we’re inevitably starting to dream about the warmer weather to come. Rather than letting the cold bring us down, let’s kick the winter blues to the curb and take advantage of what Manitoba has to offer!

There are so many winter activities to enjoy throughout Manitoba. Here are a few of our favourites:


Whether you’re an avid snowboarder or skier or are looking for a new winter activity to try, a trip to the slopes could be the perfect weekend getaway for you and your family.

Asessippi is the biggest ski hill in Manitoba. They have a lot of options when it comes to accommodation, as well as a variety of runs available to suit your skill level. The tubing park and terrain park can also make for a fun-filled day!

Nestled in the woods along Falcon Lake, Falcon Ridge is a ski resort that offers 12 runs, a tube run with a lift, and 30 kilometres of Nordic ski trails that are free for anyone to use. You can also visit SpringHill Winter Sports Park, Ski Valley, and many others throughout our province.


A Manitoba staple, ice fishing is another fun activity to do with friends and family. Our abundance of lakes and rivers makes it an accessible activity no matter where you’re located. Thanks to our long winter season, you’ll have ample opportunity to catch some fish. Just be sure to get your fishing license before heading out on the ice!


There are lots of skating trails and rinks throughout Manitoba. A classic for Winnipeggers is the Nestaweya River Trail at the Forks which offers skating under the canopy, winding trails throughout the grounds, and skate rentals if you’re new to the activity! The Flats in Neepawa and the Victoria Park Skating Path in Souris are also great options outside of Manitoba’s capital.

New year’s energy-saving resolutions


The start of the new year is the perfect time to set new goals and begin new routines. Why not add energy-saving resolutions to your list? We’ve put together a list of simple changes that you can add to your everyday routine to help you save energy and money!


  1. Unplug appliances when they’re not in use:
    Did you know some appliances and electronics can draw power even when they’re turned off? This is commonly referred to as “phantom energy” and occurs when devices and appliances use electricity when they’re plugged in but not being used. Consider unplugging your coffee maker, gaming consoles, and phone charger when you’re not using them. You can also purchase a couple of advanced power strips that will shut devices down when they’ve gone into standby mode.
  2. Run full loads when doing the laundry or running the dishwasher:
    Whether you’re using your clothes washer or dishwasher, make sure you’re running full loads whenever possible. This can cut down on water consumption and energy use, saving you money and helping the environment.
  3. Turn off the lights when you leave the room:
    We know it’s easy to leave a room and forget to turn the lights off, but good habits start today! We also suggest switching to LED lighting (which uses up to 80% less electricity than incandescent lighting), or even make the switch to smart LED bulbs. Not only do smart LEDs have some cool features, like an array of colours to choose from or the ability to sync with music or your TV, they’re also adjustable at the touch of a button! All you need is an app on your phone and you can control your home’s lighting from anywhere.
  4. Turn down your thermostat:
    Turning your thermostat down by just a couple degrees can lead to big savings! Consider programming your thermostat to reduce your indoor air temperature slightly while you’re sleeping or not at home. A smart thermostat can make this even easier – plus, we offer a $100 rebate on ENERGY STAR® certified devices. This offer ends March 31, 2022.
  5. Unplug and enjoy the outdoors:
    Rather than spending your free time inside, make it a priority to unplug, get outside, and enjoy what Manitoba has to offer. It can be as simple as going for a daily walk or you can make a day of it trying your luck at ice fishing. The time spent outdoors instead of cooped up inside is beneficial for your physical and mental health as well as the environment.


If you’re curious about how much energy your home is using, take our virtual energy review! It’s a simple way to get some insight into how much energy your home’s heating system is using and how you can start saving. You just need to answer a few questions about your home; the tool will generate a customized home energy use report and recommend energy-saving opportunities that make sense for you.

Save energy at home this fall

The days are getting shorter, the kids are back in school, and everything is suddenly pumpkin spiced. These are just some of the tell-tale signs of fall! Here are some of our top energy-saving tips to make sure your home is just as ready for sweater weather as you are:

  1. Have your furnace serviced to be sure it’s operating efficiently. Change the filter, too.
  2. Lower the temperature on your thermostat at night and when you’re not at home. This is especially easy to do with a programmable or smart thermostat.
  3. Stop air leakage in its tracks by caulking and sealing gaps around windows, doors, baseboards, and electrical outlets.
  4. If you have a wood fireplace, make sure the damper is closed when you’re not using your fireplace. This way, warm air won’t escape up your chimney. (Don’t forget to open it when you light your next cozy fire, though!)
  5. Use window insulating kits on the insides of your windows. They’re easy to install, relatively inexpensive, and help to reduce chilly drafts. Learn more about air sealing and weatherstripping by checking out this helpful article written by one of our engineers!
  6. Install LED bulbs. They use up to 80% less electricity and last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
  7. Let the light in! Keep window blinds open during the day to take advantage of the sun’s warm rays.
  8. Properly using your natural gas equipment and appliances is important. Install a carbon monoxide (CO) detector that can alert you to dangerous levels of CO gas.
  9. Clean your vents, radiators, or baseboard heating so air flows efficiently.
  10. Adjust your heat recovery ventilator (HRV) control to match your ventilation needs. Also remember to adjust the humidity control seasonally. An advanced HRV control makes this easy, and we offer a $150 rebate. For tips on how to get the most out of your HRV, check out this helpful article.

All About Energy Modelling

Design and construction practices are moving in the direction of performance-based standards. If you’re building a new home or a new commercial building, investing in energy modelling is a great way to get on board.

What is Energy Modelling?

Energy modelling is a process used to estimate the energy consumption of a building, typically on an annual basis. Information about climate, orientation, design geometry, building materials, and mechanical and electrical systems is collected. All this data is then entered into a software program to determine the overall energy use of the building’s design.

The information can then be used to compare a proposed building to a similar existing building, a specified energy target or building code requirement, and/or to assign a performance rating.

Energy modelling is typically carried out by design team members who use the modelling results to provide advice and consultation to building owners, project teams, and individuals.

Why do Energy Modelling?

Cost-benefit Analysis Tool

Energy modelling allows you to determine the impact on the building early in the design process so you can select the materials, technologies, and processes that will bring the most value to your project. There are many variables like design geometry, solar orientation, mechanical systems, and more that can be adjusted in the context of energy costs to determine the best fit with your specific objectives and budget.

Meet Targets or Achieve Compliance

Energy modelling can also be used to help meet other objectives like determining eligibility for rebate or certificate programs or demonstrating compliance with performance-based building codes.

Reduce Costs

Not only does using energy modelling early in the design process help you identify ways to save energy, but it also helps you save money and reduce the need for costly modifications and changes down the road.

Energy Modelling is the Future

Modern building codes and construction practices are already moving in the direction of performance-based standards. In the future, it’s expected that energy modelling will be a necessary part of the integrated design process.

How to Get Started?

Efficiency Manitoba offers rebates for the costs of hiring an energy modeller if you are:

Energy Modelling for New Homes

Efficiency Manitoba’s New Homes Program offers rebates for the cost of hiring an energy modeller when designing your new home.

Find out more about residential energy modelling when designing new homes here.

Advice for hiring a contractor


Are you ready to get started on that home project you’ve been thinking about? If you’re ready to go, the first step to the project is hiring a contractor. Finding the right contractor for your energy efficiency project is important and helps to ensure your project moves smoothly and in the right direction.

There are many ways you can find a local contractor. You can ask friends and family for their recommendations, do an online search for contractors (look for great reviews), or visit Better Business Bureau listings online. If you choose to go the referral route, make sure to ask your friends and family if the contractor lived up to their expectations, if they delivered what they agreed to, and if they had any issues during the project.

Contractor Estimates

Before you go-ahead with a contractor, we recommend talking to and getting quotes from at least three contractors. When you’re requesting an estimate, each one should include:

  • cost of labour, equipment, and materials (names, models, size, etc.);
  • total cost, including taxes and permit fees;
  • expected payment schedule;
  • estimated work start and completion dates;
  • a statement that the contractor carries liability insurance and Workers Compensation coverage;
  • warranties or guarantees;
  • what contractor cleanup during the work and on completion;
  • homeowner vs. contractor responsibilities;
  • a statement that the contractor will instruct the homeowner on the operation and maintenance of any equipment and provide any required operation manuals.

Questions to ask Contractors

On top of asking for a quote, you may also want to ask them some questions about their business, including:

  • What form of agreement do you require before undertaking work in a home?
  • Do you carry property damage and public liability insurance?
  • How many projects similar to this have you completed?
  • What are the names and phone numbers of two customers you have done work for in the last year whom I could call as references?
  • Are you and your staff members of a trade association or organization?
  • Aside from yourself, who will do the work (ie. employees, sub-trades)?

Get a Written Contract

Once you have chosen a contractor to work with, be sure to ask for a written contract. Do not sign an incomplete contract or make a verbal agreement with the contractor. A written contract is what helps resolve disputes if the work is unsatisfactory.

Before you sign the contract:

  • Read it carefully to make sure all the details in the estimate have been included.
  • Review the fine print and terms and conditions.
  • Be sure that both you and the contractor initial any changes to the work or standard conditions in the contract.

To participate in many of our programs, customers need to apply through a contractor or retailer that has registered with Efficiency Manitoba. Your chosen professional will fill out an application form with you or on your behalf and you will need to sign the application form accepting the terms and conditions of the program.  Be sure to keep a copy of this application form (electronic or printed) for your records. Note, most programs require that you and your contractor complete an application form and submit it to Efficiency Manitoba for approval prior to starting any work or purchasing materials.

If your chosen contractor or retailer is not registered with us, they can easily do so by visiting the Supplier Registration Page. It’s important to note, we cannot provide a list of registered suppliers nor does Efficiency Manitoba endorse any specific service professionals.

Small business, big savings

If you’re a small business owner, you know that time and money are precious resources. Between managing day-to-day tasks, taking care of your customers, and keeping a close eye on your profits and expenses, energy efficiency might be the last thing on your mind.

We’re here to help you with that

Our Small Business Program is a full-service solution that helps your business become more energy efficient. Not only will we install free basic energy-saving products, but we’ll also do a free assessment of your business to see if you could benefit from a Premium Upgrade.

We offer two levels of energy-efficient upgrades so you can pick the one that’s right for you:



  • Free A-Line LED bulbs*
  • Free bathroom and kitchen faucet aerators
  • Free pre-rinse spray valves
  • Free showerheads
  • Free installation
  • Free lighting and attic insulation assessment to find out how you can save even more



  • Includes all Basic Upgrades
  • We cover 70% of the material and installation costs for:
    • LED linear lamps
    • Specialty LED bulbs
    • LED exit signs
    • Smart thermostats
    • Lighting controls
    • Pitched roof insulation

Beyond the Energy Savings

Energy savings aren’t the only benefit you’ll see from participating in the Small Business Program. Improved lighting in your business leads to a more comfortable and productive space for you to work in, and enhances the experience for your valued customers. You’ll also save time and money since your new lighting system will require less maintenance.

Taking Part is Easy

We know that your to-do list is long, so we’ll handle almost everything for you. All you have to do is get in touch; we’ll guide you through the process and take care of the rest. That means more time in your schedule and more money in your bank account.

Improve your home’s efficiency with high-performance windows

How old are your windows? Older windows are often poorly insulated and not airtight, so they let heat in during the summer and cold in during the winter. This makes your home less comfortable, forces your heating and cooling systems to work harder, and causes your monthly energy bills to go up.

High-performance windows can prevent drafts from leaking into your home – and stop money from slipping through your fingers. And if you’re thinking about upgrading your existing windows to high-performance models, you may be eligible for a rebate through our Windows and Doors Rebate offer!


Energy savings

Multiple panes of glass, low-e coatings, and high-quality weatherstripping make high-performance windows energy efficient, which translates to energy savings for you.


With reduced air leakage and glass with improved insulation, your home will feel more comfortable than ever.

Reduced condensation

Condensation forms when warm, humid air contacts a cold surface. We usually see condensation on windows when the temperature drops because they tend to be the coldest indoor surfaces. High-performance windows allow for a comfortable level of humidity in your home without creating condensation.

Noise reduction

The additional panes of glass and increased airtightness create a buffer from outside noise, making your home more peaceful.


Make sure you check the following properties before you invest in high-performance windows:


Windows fall into two broad categories: fixed and operable. Fixed windows are less expensive and more airtight since there are no moving parts. Operable windows, on the other hand, provide ventilation and are available in sliding, casement, awning, and tilt and turn styles.

Triple pane glazing

Windows with three panes of glass (or triple pane glazing) have greater insulation properties than single or dual pane windows. They are the most common type of energy-efficient windows available today.

Low-emissivity (low-e) coating

A low-e coating is an invisible metallic coating that’s applied to the glass. There are different types of low-e coating, each with specific properties. Some keep heat inside during the heating season, some reduce heat from the summer sun, and some help block harmful UV rays. A knowledgeable sales representative can help you choose the best coating for your needs.

Insulating spacers

Insulating spacers, also known as “warm edge” spacers, provide a thermal break between the window panes to keep the edges of the glass warmer. This reduces condensation around the edges of your windows.

Argon gas fill

To reduce heat loss, consider argon gas fill. Argon is an inert gas that acts as insulation between the panes of your window.

Low U-value

The rate of heat loss is determined by the U-value of a window. You want to look for windows with a low U-value because they have better insulating properties.

High energy rating (ER)

Look for windows with a high Energy Rating (or ER). A window’s ER combines the U-value, air leakage, and solar heat gain into a single number for an overall rating.


When you’re shopping, look for ENERGY STAR certified windows. They’ve been tested to meet strict requirements for energy performance, they’re specifically designed for harsh climates, and they’re suitable for homes in Manitoba. Windows with the ENERGY STAR® Most Efficient designation provide the best energy performance.


If you’re not ready to upgrade to high-performance windows just yet, there are steps you can take to make your existing windows as energy efficient as possible:

  • Reduce air leakage by caulking gaps between the trim and wall, and between the trim and window frame.
  • Install or replace old or damaged weatherstripping on operable windows.
  • Pick up a window insulating film kit. Sealing your windows with plastic film provides an additional barrier to reduce drafts.
  • Use storm windows. They create an insulated air space that reduces condensation and heat loss/gain, and they can prolong the life of your interior windows.


Before you start shopping for high-performance windows, it might be worth speaking with an expert who can point you in the right direction and help you make sure you’re purchasing the right windows for your home.

We recommend getting quotes from at least three different contractors and choosing one that provides the best value (rather than the lowest price). Learn more about hiring a contractor.


We offer rebates on select ENERGY STAR certified windows to keep you comfortable and save you energy and money. Homeowners can get a rebate of $100 per qualifying opening when replacing existing windows.

Once you’ve installed your new high-performance windows, fill out our online application form and we’ll send you a rebate. It’s that simple.

Identifying Ways to Save

When it comes to improving your business’s bottom line, knowing how to find ways to save energy can be a daunting task. At Efficiency Manitoba, we want to help take the weight off.

We can help you save money by offering a variety of services that will measure, track, and identify the ways you can reduce electric and natural gas energy in your facility.

Once we work together on the concept, Efficiency Manitoba offers technical and financial support to help you implement the project. We work with you from the concept stage right up to completion of your energy efficiency project.

A Service to Fit Your Needs

Whether you’re looking for a high-level investigation of your energy use or help with developing the details on a specific project, Efficiency Manitoba can help.

Energy Efficiency Assessments

If you’re interested in gaining a better understanding of your facility’s energy use consider an Energy Efficiency Assessment. At no cost to you, we will provide a high-level look at your facility’s energy consumption and identify the big energy uses and help find potential opportunities for energy saving projects. All you have to do is complete an assessment questionnaire and our experts will complete a site walk-through and create a report based on their findings, including identifying projects that are eligible for our Custom Energy Solutions Program.


If you’re looking for a more detailed look at the performance of a particular system in your facility, choose a benchmark study. At no cost to you, Benchmark studies analyze system performance to help identify ways to optimize your existing equipment or appropriately size new equipment. If you’re interested, contact our energy team to see if your business qualifies.

Feasibility Study

At Efficiency Manitoba, we provide financial support for a comprehensive Feasibility Study of a specific energy efficiency project. The study is done by a third-party consultant of your choosing and offers a more detailed assessment compared to Benchmark studies, which only look at the performance of a particular system in your facility. If you have a project that you think could result in electrical or natural gas savings but aren’t sure how to quantify the technical viability, potential savings and project economics, you may be eligible for a Feasibility Study.

Custom Energy Solutions Program

Efficiency Manitoba offers technical and financial support to implement your project through the Custom Energy Solutions Program. If interested, contact our energy team to find out how we can help you.

Whichever pre-project service works best for you, Efficiency Manitoba also offers technical and financial support to implement your project through the Custom Energy Solutions Program Energy Efficiency Assessments. Contact our energy team to find out how we can help you.