Solar production calculator


Accurately estimating the production of your solar PV system is an important step in anticipating both your monthly energy bills and your payback period. We recommend using PVWatts®, a solar production calculator developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), to help estimate the monthly and annual energy production of your solar PV system.  

While PVWatts  is a powerful tool that uses 30 years of historical solar irradiation data and weather patterns, using the default settings could overstate your annual energy production estimates. We’ve put together some suggestions on how to best use this tool’s advanced settings to get the most accurate results. If you’re unsure of any of your system’s details, your registered contractor can help you fill in the blanks.  


First, enter your location in the Resource Data tab of the PVWatts Calculator. Next, enter the following information into the PVWatts system info tab. Use the following table as a guide: 

DC system size (kW):Enter as applicable.
Module type:If you don’t have information about the module type in your system, choose “standard” as the default. 
Array type:Enter as applicable.
System losses (%): Click the “loss calculator” link to the right and use the following inputs: 
Soiling (%):
Shading (%): Enter as applicable 
Snow (%): 10% for ground-mounted or 20% for rooftop 
Mismatch (%):
Wiring (%):
Connections (%): 0.5 
Light-induced degradation (%): 1.5 
Nameplate rating (%):
Age (%): 2 (or as applicable) 
Availability (%):
Tilt (deg):If your tilt degree is unknown, use 41° for ground installations and 23° for rooftop installations. 
Azimuth (deg):If the azimuth orientation is unknown, use 180°. 


Click the “Advanced parameters” drop down below and enter the following information:

DC to AC size ratio:Enter as applicable.
Inverter efficiency (%):Enter as applicable.
Ground coverage ratio:0.4 (use default value).

Keep in mind that ground mounted installations in Manitoba will typically produce around 1200 kWh annually per installed kW of solar capacity and rooftop systems will typically produce around 1000 kWh annually per installed kW.  Use these numbers as a guide to confirm that your annual estimates from PVWatts are reasonable.


PVWatts slightly overestimates or underestimates the monthly production estimates for Manitoban installations depending on the month. The following correction factors will provide a more accurate month-to-month estimate for your solar PV system’s production.  



In order to better estimate the monthly production of your solar PV system, simply multiply the monthly estimate from PVWatts by the corresponding correction factor for that month from the table above. For example, if the PVWatts calculator estimates that an installation will produce 1,000 kWh in June, a more accurate value for that month would be:  

1,000 kWh x 1.138 = 1,138 kWh  

This calculator allows you to estimate the production of your solar PV system. However, it’s important to keep in mind that other factors will likely impact the accuracy of these numbers. If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to your contractor for assistance. 



Check out the rest of the articles in our solar series.

Efficiency Manitoba announces new solar rebate program for homes and businesses

Efficiency Manitoba is now offering a rebate for Manitobans who install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to support the energy needs of their homes and businesses. The Solar Rebate Program offers homeowners and businesses a rebate of $0.50 per watt. Home systems up to 10 kW and business systems up to 50 kW are eligible for rebates through the program. Maximum rebates are $5,000 per home and $25,000 per business.

“Efficiency Manitoba’s Solar Rebate Program is one of the few in Canada that offers rebates for both homeowners and businesses, demonstrating their commitment to helping as many Manitobans save on their energy bills,” said Minister of Environment, Climate and Parks and Minister responsible for Efficiency Manitoba Jeff Wharton. “Beyond the benefits for Manitoba homeowners and businesses, I am pleased to see Efficiency Manitoba continue to support the growing green economy in Manitoba by encouraging opportunities for solar suppliers and installers.”

Solar photovoltaic systems capture light from the sun and convert it into electricity. Solar panels are affixed to rooftops or installed directly on the ground, and produce energy during the day to power homes, buildings, and communities. Solar PV systems can significantly reduce the amount of electricity that needs to be purchased during daylight hours, thereby reducing monthly energy bills.

Solar Rebate Program applications will be accepted from homeowners and businesses connected to the Manitoba Hydro grid. Customers must work with a registered Efficiency Manitoba supplier to install their solar PV system and apply for their rebate. Recognizing the larger size of commercial systems, businesses will require approval before they start their solar PV project.

“Launching our new Solar Rebate Program is an exciting milestone for Efficiency Manitoba as we continue to deliver on our approved Efficiency Plan,” said Colleen Kuruluk, Chief Executive Officer of Efficiency Manitoba. “By offering rebates on solar PV systems, we’re helping to make this technology more accessible and affordable to Manitobans and contribute to our mandated responsibility to reduce energy consumption from the grid. Every Efficiency Manitoba program and offer launch is designed to provide Manitobans with increasing and diverse options on how they can save energy, money, and the environment.”

For home systems eligible for both Efficiency Manitoba’s Solar Rebate Program and the Canada Greener Homes Grant, the combined incentives can cover up to 45% of the system’s total cost. Financing is also available through the federal government’s Canada Greener Homes Loan and Manitoba Hydro’s Home Energy Efficiency Loan.

Interested homeowners and businesses can learn more about Efficiency Manitoba’s Solar Rebate Program by going to

For more information, please email us at

Solar: Your payback & excess energy


There are many factors to consider when thinking about installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system and several of them surround the financial aspects. Installing a solar PV system is a big initial investment, so it’s important to understand your payback period, how to calculate your payback period, and how grid-tied systems can sell excess energy back to Manitoba Hydro. 


A solar PV system is a big investment. Before making any decisions, you should calculate your payback period to ensure that it makes sense financially. The payback period is the amount of time it’ll take to recoup the initial investment of your solar PV system based on the savings you’ll achieve by installing it.   

There are many factors that the payback period can depend on, such as:  

  • total installation and financing costs;  
  • estimated operation and maintenance costs;  
  • system performance;  
  • the amount of solar energy you use versus the amount of energy you sell to Manitoba Hydro;  
  • your annual energy needs relative to the size of system you’re installing;  
  • future electricity rates and excess energy price;  
  • the panel degradation rate (solar panels produce less energy over time); and   
  • the system lifetime (solar panels typically last up to 25 years).  


We recommend getting quotes from at least three different contractors and being cautious of quotes that promise quick paybacks. Then, follow these steps to calculate the payback period for your system:  

  1. Determine your project costs:
    Using the quotes you’ve received, subtract the value of any federal and provincial incentives from the total cost of your solar PV system. Note that the average price of installing a solar PV system in Manitoba is $3 per watt.
  2. Determine your annual cost savings:
    Calculate your annual financial benefit including your avoided electricity usage at the current electricity rate and add any additional benefits including excess energy sold to Manitoba Hydro.  
    Use this formula to calculate your annual cost savings:  

    (solar energy produced x percent of energy used x current electricity rate) + (solar energy produced x percent of energy sold to Manitoba Hydro x excess energy price) 

    Assuming that your system is sized to produce as much electricity annually as you consume, you can estimate that between 40 and 60% of the annual solar energy produced will be used in your home or business. Generally smaller systems will sell less and larger will sell more.
  3. Calculate your payback period:
    Divide your project costs by your annual cost savings to calculate the number of years it’ll take for you to achieve your payback. If your payback period is longer than the expected lifetime of your system, you likely won’t receive a financial benefit for your investment. However, there may be non-financial considerations to include when making your decision.  


Grid-connected solar PV systems work by transferring energy between your home and the grid, depending on when it’s being produced and used. If you aren’t using all the electricity produced by your system throughout the day, Manitoba Hydro will draw that unused electricity into their grid. This is considered selling your excess energy to Manitoba Hydro and will be reflected on your energy bill. 

The purchase price and agreement to sell your excess energy depends on the size and type of your system. There are two types of electricity agreements currently available for Manitoba Hydro customers:  

  1. Non-utility generation less than 100 kw
  2. Non-utility generation 100 kW or greater

Most residential solar PV systems will fall under the first category. Manitoba Hydro purchases your excess electricity using net billing at the excess energy price.  

As a net billing customer, Manitoba Hydro will install a bi-directional electricity meter that records the flow of electricity to and from your home or business. If the value of electricity that you sell to Manitoba Hydro is greater than the value of the energy you buy from Manitoba Hydro, a credit is applied to your account.  

A solar PV system can help you save energy and money. Be sure to do your research and consider the financial aspects of installing the system before making your final decision. 



Check out the rest of the articles in our solar series.

Solar & your energy bill


Installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system is an efficient way to convert the sun’s energy into electricity to power your home or business. However, what many people don’t realize is that systems connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid will continue to receive an electricity bill— it’ll just be less than before as you’ll be purchasing less energy from Manitoba Hydro. You’ll also be able to sell excess electricity generated from your solar PV system to Manitoba Hydro and receive a credit on your energy bill. 


Grid-connected solar PV systems work by transferring energy between your home or business and the grid, depending on when electricity is being produced and used. If you aren’t using all the electricity produced by your system throughout the day, Manitoba Hydro will draw that unused electricity into their grid. Alternatively, if you’re using electricity in the evening when your solar PV system isn’t producing electricity, you’ll be drawing electricity from Manitoba Hydro’s grid. 

When you sell unused electricity from your system back to Manitoba Hydro, you’ll be credited for your electricity. This means you can see credits on your energy bill for the excess energy you’ve sold to Manitoba Hydro. This concept is known as net billing. Go to their website to learn more about net billing


There are some factors that can affect the amount of your energy bill. This includes the size of your system, the weather (season, time of day, and cloud cover or shading) and your consumption of the electricity your solar PV system is generating. 

  1. Size of your system:
    The size of your system will determine how much energy is produced for your home or business. The bigger the system, the more energy it’ll produce. We recommend sizing your solar PV system appropriately to avoid exceeding the annual electricity usage of your home or business. This means that the amount of electricity your solar PV system produces should be comparable to the amount of electricity your home or business uses. If your system is too small, you’ll need to draw more electricity from the grid, while if your system is too big, the excess energy that you’re not using will be drawn into the grid. 

  2. Weather:
    As the weather varies throughout the year, so will the amount of electricity produced from your solar PV system. Some months may be sunnier than average, while others may have more clouds, fog, or snow. Because your system works by converting energy from the sun’s rays, it’s unable to produce electricity 24 hours a day, such as when the sun is down. During these times, you’ll need to access power from Manitoba Hydro’s grid to power your home or business, which will be reflected on your energy bill. 

  3. When you use the energy produced by your system:
    The reason the timing of your energy use impacts your energy bill is because you pay more to buy electricity from Manitoba Hydro than you’ll receive when selling electricity back to them. Solar energy is produced throughout the day from when the sun rises to when the sun sets. However, every day has a period during which the most electricity is produced; this is known as the peak generation period. These peak generation periods vary throughout the year and seasons. Making the most of your solar PV system typically requires using most of your electricity during these peak generation periods. 

    On average, early afternoon is the best time to use devices that consume a large amount of energy, such as your dishwasher, clothes dryer, or pool heater. Using energy during your system’s peak generation period will help you maximize your dollar savings and avoid exporting electricity back to the grid.  

Installing a solar system allows your home or business to produce its own electricity. It’s important to understand that grid-connected systems will still draw electricity from Manitoba Hydro’s grid during the times when you’re still consuming electricity but your system isn’t producing any (or enough) electricity. You’ll still receive a monthly energy bill when you have a solar PV system, however you can expect it to be less than before as you won’t be using as much electricity from Manitoba Hydro.



Check out the rest of the articles in our solar series.

Solar 101


More and more Manitobans are interested in using solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to power their homes and businesses. And it’s no wonder why! When it comes to renewable energy sources, the sun is high on the list. Harnessing the sun’s rays through the use of solar PV creates clean, useable energy that reduces the need for traditional energy sources.  

But how do solar PV systems work? What are the benefits for homeowners and businesses? What are some important things to keep in mind before making the investment? And does Efficiency Manitoba offer rebates to help me install a solar PV system (hint: the answer is yes)? 


First, we need to define solar energy. Solar energy captures light from the sun and converts it into forms of energy, like electricity and heat, that we can use. Two methods of energy generation are commonly seen in homes and commercial buildings: solar photovoltaics (PV) and solar thermal. Both methods use the sun’s energy to create usable energy. However, solar PV systems use the energy to generate electricity, whereas solar thermal systems use the energy to heat air or water. This article is focused on solar PV systems for generating electricity. 


Solar PV systems are the most used solar technology. Solar panels can be affixed to rooftops using racking equipment or installed directly on the ground with a ground mount. During the day, solar PV panels produce direct current (DC) power from the sun’s rays, which is fed through an inverter to create alternating current (AC) power. AC is the most common type of electrical current used in our homes. 


There can be many benefits to installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system: 

  • It provides energy to your home or business in a sustainable manner.  
  • It helps reduce your monthly energy bill. 
  • It mitigates the impact of future rate increases.  
  • It can increase the value of your property. 


Most solar PV systems currently being installed are grid-connected. In a grid-connected system, any surplus electricity generated by your solar PV system, that is not used in your home or business, is exported back to Manitoba Hydro’s electrical grid. Connection to the grid also ensures you have a reliable supply of electricity when your solar PV system isn’t generating enough for your needs. Grid-connected solar PV systems can significantly reduce the amount of electricity you buy during daylight hours depending on a number of factors. 

Manitoba Hydro has a wealth of great information about grid connection. Go to their website to learn more about grid-connected solar PV systems. 


There are two main ways to mount your panels: rooftop or ground mounted.  

Rooftop systems are mainly installed in urban areas where there’s not enough space for a ground system. They’re limited by the size of the roof and the roof slope can make it difficult to optimize production of solar energy. They’re still a great option and will produce a desirable amount of electricity depending on the orientation and inclination of the roof.  

Ground systems are more common on large properties where there’s lots of space. Fixed panel systems facing due south at 40° to 50° inclination achieve better energy output, which is easier to do by using a ground system. A rooftop system is often limited to the direction the roof faces (which is often not due south) and the roof slope (which is usually lower than the ideal inclination).  Because they’re more accessible, fixed ground systems are generally easier to maintain and keep clean and clear of snow compared to rooftop systems. 


If you’ve determined that installing a solar PV system is a wise investment for you, we can help. We offer rebates on solar PV systems for homes and businesses connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid.


Visit our program pages to learn more and find out if you’re eligible:


We’re offering a rebate of $0.50 per direct current (DC) watt installed on homes connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid, up to a maximum of 10 kW and $5,000 per home.


We’re offering a rebate of $0.50 per direct current (DC) watt installed on businesses connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid.



Check out the rest of the articles in our solar series.

Getting started with solar


Deciding if a solar photovoltaic (PV) system is right for you takes a trained eye.  

Is my home or business ready for solar? How much solar do I need? Does my property have enough space for solar and where do I start if I decide to go ahead with a solar PV installation?  

While we recommend speaking with a registered Efficiency Manitoba solar contractor to answer these questions, we’ll introduce you to some important things to consider before installing a solar PV system.


Solar PV systems are a great way to provide energy for your home or business in a sustainable manner and reduce your energy bills. However, solar PV systems are a big investment, so you need to know whether or not this technology is right for you. Doing some calculations to determine your financial investment and payback will help you with this decision. Check out our Solar Production Calculator article to help you estimate the energy production of your solar PV system. 

You should also consider if your home or business is as energy efficient as possible. Do you have enough insulation? Have you upgraded to a high efficiency heating system? Are all your appliances energy efficient? It’s generally more cost effective for you to improve your energy efficiency first so that you don’t need as large of a solar PV system to accommodate your annual electricity usage. 


If you decide that the investment makes sense for you financially and you’ve already made the necessary energy efficiency upgrades, you’ll have to determine how large of a solar PV system you need. 

We recommend sizing your solar PV system appropriately to avoid exceeding the annual electricity usage of your home or business. This means that the amount of electricity your solar PV system produces should be comparable to the amount of electricity your home or business uses.  

You should also consider any other upgrades you plan on making to your home or business that may impact your electricity usage in the future. Adding electric heat, installing air conditioning, or purchasing an electric vehicle will increase your usage, and any upgrades to improve energy efficiency will reduce your usage. 

A solar PV system should produce electricity for at least 25 years, so it’s important to think ahead so you can design a system that fits your long-term needs.


Solar panels are large, so your property needs to have the space for the panels to be installed. 

The optimal orientation for solar in Manitoba is facing due south with around 40° to 50° inclination. Panels are generally installed on a roof or on the ground. Ground systems are often more effective, as a rooftop system is limited to the direction the roof faces, which is not often due south, and the roof slope, which is generally lower than the ideal inclination.  

Shading, snow, ice, dirt and future obstructions, such as trees, neighboring buildings, or new construction can also impact the suitability of solar at any given location. It is a good idea to speak with your neighbours about plans that could affect land use, such as the removal or addition of trees and home renovations. You should discuss this issue with your contractor to make an informed decision. 


To be confident in the advice and quality of work you receive, we recommend requesting quotes from at least three different contractors. This will help you understand what’s needed for a successful installation and receive the best value for your investment. Sometimes a contractor will prepare a project quote using available satellite and street imagery, but to ensure accuracy, the contractor will need to visit your home or business to assess the site conditions and surrounding area.   

When evaluating potential contractors, you’ll want to determine if the company you’re considering has experience installing solar PV systems. Don’t be shy with your questions! You need to be able to count on the company to competently manage your installation from design, to installation, to flicking on the switch. 

If you’re applying for a rebate through our Solar Rebate Program, you’ll need to hire a registered Efficiency Manitoba contractor. They must hold an electrical contractor’s licence and offer you a workmanship warranty. They should also be able to provide you with proof of general liability insurance coverage. Go to our online supplier directory for a list of registered Efficiency Manitoba contractors. 

Need some more advice on hiring a solar contractor? Check out our article on general tips for picking a contractor.


If you’ve determined that installing a solar PV system is a wise investment for you, we can help. We offer rebates on solar PV systems for homes and businesses connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid.



Check out the rest of the articles in our solar series.

Paying for your solar PV system


A solar photovoltaic (PV) system is a sustainable way to power your home or business and lower your energy bills, but installing one is a big investment! If you’re thinking that solar is right for your home or business, you might be wondering about what support is available to help you pay for a new system. In this article, we introduce our rebates and other financing options to make your investment more affordable. 


Through our Solar Rebate, we offer rebates on solar PV systems for homes and businesses.

We offer a rebate of $0.50 per direct current (DC) watt installed on homes connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid, up to a maximum of 10 kW and $5,000 per home. You can install solar PV systems larger than this; however, the rebate will be capped at 10 kW per home.

We offer a rebate of $0.50 per DC watt installed on buildings connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid. Rebates are available for all solar PV system sizes. Systems less than 100 kW don’t require approval; all systems 100 kW and larger require approval from Efficiency Manitoba.



Additional support is available for installing solar PV systems through the federal government’s Greener Homes Initiative.  Grants of $1 per watt installed, and interest-free loans of up to $40,000 are available for residential customers.  

To receive support through this federal program you must first receive an EnerGuide home evaluation from an energy advisor designated by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). It can take time to have an audit completed and this must be done before installation, so we recommend applying early.  

You can read more about the specific amounts available on the Greener Homes website.  

An EnerGuide evaluation isn’t required for participation in the Efficiency Manitoba Solar Rebate Program. 


Manitoba Hydro’s Home Energy Efficiency Loan offers eligible homeowners up to $20,000 in financing for their solar PV system for up to 15 years. The monthly payment is added to your energy bill and no down payment is required.  

For more information, visit Manitoba Hydro’s Home Energy Efficiency Loan web page.


The average price of installing a solar PV system in Manitoba is $3 per watt, so depending on the size of your home or business and your electricity needs, it can be quite a large investment. For homeowners, our rebate combined with incentives available through the Canada Greener Homes Initiative may cover about 45% of the total cost of a solar PV system.  

Although these rebates are significant and you can finance the cost of your system, it’s still a big financial decision. That’s why it’s best to have as much information as possible when deciding if and when it’s time to go solar. 



Check out the rest of the articles in our solar series.



Whether your goal is to vastly reduce your energy usage, lower your monthly bills, help fight climate change, or all of the above, a deep energy retrofit can help you get there. 

A deep energy retrofit is an extensive renovation to an existing home with a focus on reducing energy usage. These types of projects typically involve upgrading or replacing multiple technologies at once. They’re different from individual renovations due to their scale, cost, and complexity. Homeowners considering deep energy retrofits should take a long view of house-related expenses and consider the total cost of ownership with such a project.  

Immediate and long-term benefits are available to homeowners undertaking deep energy retrofits. These projects can significantly improve home comfort and air quality while reducing energy consumption by between 50% and 100%. This is achieved primarily by improving exterior building components such as walls, roofs, windows, doors, and careful air sealing. After that, invest in energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, water heating systems, lighting, and appliances. On-site renewables like solar panels can help close the gap. Renovation projects targeting Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Ready, or Passive House certification are all examples of deep energy retrofit strategies. 

We’re here to make it easier to plan and carry out your renovation project. Through our Home Energy Retrofit program, we can provide you with guidance from an energy advisor and rebates to help with your project costs.  


An EnerGuide energy efficiency home evaluation is the best way to understand and make decisions about potential home upgrades. If you decide to apply to the Home Energy Retrofit program, you’ll need to have an EnerGuide evaluation performed on your home before you start work.  

Getting an EnerGuide evaluation doesn’t mean you have to proceed with any specific upgrade, but it’s the best way to understand your home’s energy use and opportunities for improvement. You may also be eligible for rebates for the cost of the evaluation through other programs like the Canada Greener Homes Grant

Local demand for scheduling an EnerGuide evaluation can vary and it may take some time to get yours in the calendar. It’s a good idea to plan your evaluation well in advance of when you’d like to start working on your project.

After carrying out the EnerGuide evaluation, your energy advisor will provide you with: 

  • an EnerGuide rating and label; 
  • a Homeowner Information Sheet; and 
  • a Renovation Upgrade Report. 

Learn more about EnerGuide evaluations.


If you’re interested in taking your home to the next level of energy efficiency, you may be eligible for our Home Energy Retrofit program. We can provide you with support and rebates to make the process of renovating easier.  

If you want to make energy efficiency upgrades to your home but don’t think the Home Energy Retrofit program is right for you, we have other programs that can help you save energy and money. Check them out to find your best fit. And if you’re not sure where to start, our free virtual energy review can provide you with helpful, customized recommendations on how to begin your energy efficiency journey. 

Regardless of what type of renovation project you decide to undertake, you’ll need to apply and receive approval from us before starting any work. We’re excited to help you along in your journey to save energy, money, and the environment.  


If you’re interested in exploring a deep energy retrofit for your commercial building, check out our Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot Program.

Programming your variable-speed pool pump


Properly programming your ENERGY STAR® certified variable-speed pool pump is essential to maximize your energy savings throughout the summer months. Doing so can help you save up to $300 on your energy bills each pool season.    

Variable-speed pool pumps save energy by using a scheduling feature. This allows you to program a time and speed (RPM) for when the pump will be running. Typical pools only need to have the water circulated fully twice per day.  

Follow these steps to properly program your variable-speed pool pump and save energy and money: 

    Setting the correct time allows you to schedule your pump for certain times throughout the day.
    Scheduling your pump to run at a lower RPM for most of the day (approximately 18 to 22 hours) reduces your energy costs and is much quieter. For an average pool, set the speed between 1,500 RPM and 2,000 RPM.
    You’ll want to run your pump at a higher RPM for approximately two to four hours every day. This is an appropriate speed for backwashing and will clear out any air bubbles that can form in the pump and plumbing during the lower RPM period. For an average pool, set the speed to around 2,100 and 2,600 RPM.

Partnerships make perfect


Offering energy efficiency programs to Manitobans is what we do best, and partnerships play a big role in our work to help Manitobans save energy. These partnerships help us reach all Manitobans for their energy-savings needs. 

One partnership we’re excited to highlight is with the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF). The MMF is the democratic government for the Manitoba Métis, also known as the Red River Métis, the origin and core of the Métis Nation.  

To help support Red River Métis Citizens access energy efficiency programs for their homes and businesses, we’re funding an Energy Efficiency Advocate through the MMF. The Energy Efficiency Advocate will work out of the MMF Winnipeg office while also supporting the other six regional offices in promoting our programs and rebates.  

“The MMF is committed to creating partnerships and opportunities that continue to benefit our Red River Métis Citizens,” says Will Goodon, MMF Minister of Housing and Property Management. “We offer many programs that ensure we are creating long-lasting success for our Citizens, from our first-time homeowners program to our HELP initiative. The MMF will always make sure we have programs that help our Citizens thrive.”  

“Our partnership with Efficiency Manitoba through the Energy Efficiency Advocate is just one of the ways the Red River Métis government is looking out for our Citizens. We are excited to see how many Red River Métis Citizens will be able to access these energy efficiency programs for their homes and businesses.”

Will Goodon, MMF Minister of Housing and Property Management

In addition to funding an Energy Efficiency Advocate, we have specific programs for Red River Métis Citizens:  

  • Our Métis Energy Efficiency Offers is an income-based program that provides homeowners and tenants with a turnkey solution for receiving energy efficiency upgrades. Through the free home energy check-up, you can receive a variety of energy-saving devices and find out if you qualify for free insulation or a subsidized natural gas furnace. 
  • Our Indigenous Small Business Program can help improve the energy efficiency in Métis Nation small businesses. We offer free lighting and other energy efficiency upgrades to Red River Métis Citizens who own a qualifying business registered with the Louis Riel Capital Corporation. 

Our Indigenous programs are committed to supporting local Indigenous economic development. Through our partnership with the MMF we will also look to work with Métis contractors registered with the Louis Riel Capital Corporation (LRCC). 

We’re also funding Energy Efficiency Advocates through our Indigenous Community Energy Efficiency Program in Ebb and Flow First Nation, Lake Manitoba First Nation, Lake St. Martin First Nation, O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation, Pine Creek First Nation, Red Sucker Lake First Nation, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, and York Factory First Nation.  We’re also partnering with three other communities and are working to finalize their agreements. Over the two-year partnerships, we’ll support the Energy Efficiency Advocates in creating a community energy efficiency plan to help reduce the overall energy use in these First Nation communities.