All posts in category: SOLAR


Solar power is exactly that — powerful — though it’s often misunderstood. We’ve put together a list of six solar myths and why they’re inaccurate.

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Smiling couple looking at bills

Solar: Your payback & excess energy

Installing a solar PV system is a big initial investment, so it’s important to understand your payback period, how to calculate your payback period, and how grid-tied systems can sell excess energy back to Manitoba Hydro.

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Residential solar panel

Solar 101

More and more Manitobans are interested in using solar photovoltaic (PV) systems to power their homes and businesses. And it’s no wonder why! When it comes to renewable energy sources, the sun is high on the list.

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Man installing solar panels

Getting started with solar

Deciding if a solar photovoltaic (PV) system is right for you takes a trained eye. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some important things to consider before installing a solar PV system.

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Solar panels in a field

Paying for your solar PV system

A solar photovoltaic (PV) system is a sustainable way to power your home or business and lower your energy bills, but installing one is a big investment! In this article, we introduce our rebates and other financing options to make your investment more affordable.

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