All posts in tag: BUILDING

If you own or manage a multi-unit rental property, you can make energy efficiency upgrades through our In-Suite Energy Efficiency Program.
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Project feature: Winnipeg Winter Club
The Winnipeg Winter Club recently upgraded to an energy-efficient heating system and will save energy and money for years to come.
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Project feature: Supremex
SupremeX recently participated in our Custom Energy Solutions program and have impressive savings to show for it!
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Project feature: Rolling Acres Colony Farms Ltd.
Rolling Acres Colony Farms Ltd. participated in our Custom Energy Solutions Program to convert their electric boilers to a bioenergy system using wood chips, and we gave them an incentive for doing it.
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Project feature: Happy Rock Children’s Centre
Our New Buildings Program offers incentives for energy-efficient new construction. Learn how we helped Happy Rock Children’s Centre incorporate energy efficiency into their project.
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J.R. Simplot Company
With our support, J.R. Simplot Company (Simplot) completed an energy-efficient expansion to their potato processing facility in Portage la Prairie.
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How property managers & owners can save
We offer programs for property managers and owners of multi-unit residential buildings that can provide energy- and bill-saving opportunities.
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Contractor feature: Transcona Roofing
Find out how Transcona Roofing helped Holy Cross School reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and save on their annual energy bills through our Building Envelope Program.
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Energy modelling
Designing and constructing a new commercial building? Learn how energy modelling can help you optimize your energy savings.
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All About Energy Modelling
Design and construction practices are moving in the direction of performance-based standards. If you’re building a new home or a new commercial building, investing in energy modelling is a great way to get on board.
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