Why LED?

You may have heard that LEDs are the latest and greatest lighting products on the market, but maybe you’re still working through your stockpile of old and inefficient incandescent bulbs.

Here are 4 reasons why you should make the switch to LEDs right now:

  1. They last up to 25 years, while incandescent bulbs only last about a year. This means they don’t need to be replaced as often, which means fewer bulbs in our landfills.
  2. They use up to 80% less electricity than incandescents. Every LED you install can save you up to $4 per year on your energy bill.
  3. They’re versatile. LED bulbs and fixtures come in a variety of shapes, styles, and colours. Whether you need an ambient fixture for your foyer or a bright task light for your workspace, there’s an LED for your needs.
  4. They can be smart. Smart LED bulbs can be connected to your Wi-Fi and controlled from your smartphone or tablet. Some can even change colour and be synced to movies and music.

Green landscaping

It’s that time of year again – the sun is shining, the snow is melting, and Manitobans are starting to think about their lawns and gardens. Heading outside and getting your hands dirty is a great way to kick off the new season.

But before jumping right in to planting, it’s a good idea to consider the environment. A yard full of plants and trees may look great, but maintaining so much greenery requires lots of water and fertilizer. What’s a person with a green thumb to do?

The answer lies in green landscaping. Green landscaping means creating and caring for your yard in a way that reduces harmful impacts on the environment. It’s about making choices that minimize your use of water and chemicals, optimize your outdoor spaces, and reduce your water and energy bills.

Green landscaping is easier than you might think. Here are some pointers to get you started:

  • Plant sun-loving trees or shrubs on the south side of your home. They’ll provide shade in the summer and act as a windbreak when the temperature drops.
  • Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and helps soil retain moisture.
  • Keep your grass clippings on your lawn after mowing. These clippings provide natural fertilizer for your lawn by returning moisture and nutrients to the soil.
  • Reduce your water consumption by using a rain barrel that collects rainwater from your downspout. This water can be used for your plants, flowers, and lawn.
  • Start composting. Many food scraps can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil for your plants and flowers. It also helps to divert waste from our landfills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Get your home ready for summer

Summer is just around the corner! You’re probably ready for the heat and the sunshine – but is your home? We’ve compiled a few tips to help you get your home ready for the warm weather:

  1. Spring cleaning? While you’re washing your windows, take a look at their condition. Look for signs of dry rot and water damage. If needed, re-caulk your windows and replace damaged weatherstripping.
  2. Take a look at your insulation before it gets too hot outside. Check for wet spots and obstructed vents. And, if your home was built before 1999, you may want to consider adding insulation to your attic.
  3. Install a smart thermostat. It can be controlled using an app on your smartphone, so you can adjust your home’s temperature whether you’re in bed or at the lake.
  4. Now is the best time to clean and service your air conditioning unit. A well-maintained AC unit will cool your home faster, last longer, and require fewer costly repairs. Also be sure to remove any covers and brush or vacuum away leaves, branches, grass, or debris that might have blown into the unit.
  5. Change your furnace air filter every 2 to 3 months so your HVAC system can operate more efficiently.
  6. Plan meals you can prepare on the grill. You’ll save electricity, keep your kitchen cool, and get to enjoy our beautiful summer weather!

Get out and get green

We’re lucky to live in Manitoba. From the sweeping prairie landscape to urban forests, our province offers so many places to explore. This spring, we here at Efficiency Manitoba challenge you to get out and enjoy the province’s wealth of natural spaces.


Few things are more delicious than farm-fresh produce. This spring, visit one of the many farmers’ markets in the province. Not only will you be supporting the local economy, but you’ll get to enjoy the sunshine and do your grocery shopping all at once. Learn more about homegrown produce and find a market in your area.


Did you know that The Great Trail (formerly called the Trans Canada Trail) is the world’s longest recreational trail? Challenge yourself to walk, run, or cycle The Great Trail in Manitoba. Be sure to stop at the historical sites, parks, and attractions you discover along the way. Find a trail near you today.


For more information and events, check out the links below.

I just moved into a new house and it has a heat recovery ventilator. How do I use it?

As of 2011, all new homes are required to have a heat recovery ventilator (HRV). An HRV brings in outside air, which is pre-heated by heat recovered from outgoing warm exhaust air. The heated outside air is distributed to the home to replace air that is exhausted from the kitchen and bathrooms.

Many HRVs only have basic controls, where the fans run continuously on low speed and never shut off. Wall switches in the bathrooms and kitchen and a humidity control are typically used to switch the HRV fans to high speed.

In homes with low occupancy, running the HRV continuously at low speed may be excessive and result in uncomfortably low humidity and higher heating costs. Although 60% of the exhaust air heat is recovered, there is still a cost to heat the other 40% that is lost. If this is your situation, consider installing an advanced HRV control, which allows the HRV fan to be off for 20 or 40 minutes of every hour. Advanced controls can help you save money while matching your ventilation needs to your lifestyle.

Mechanical Engineer


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What’s the difference between EnerGuide and ENERGY STAR®?

While EnerGuide and ENERGY STAR labels both give you valuable information about an appliance’s efficiency, they mean very different things. The EnerGuide label shows you how much electricity an appliance will use in a year and compares its performance with similar products. ENERGY STAR, on the other hand, is an internationally recognized program that labels the most energy efficient products on the market.

We recommend choosing ENERGY STAR certified appliances; they’re in the top 10 to 30% of their class in energy performance.

All appliances sold in Canada have an EnerGuide label, but not all appliances are ENERGY STAR certified. So to sum it up, two labels are better than one!


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How do I make sure I get the most out of my LED bulbs and fixtures?

Not all LED bulbs and fixtures are created equally. Quality and cost vary significantly, and you often get what you pay for. Here are some tips to make sure you get the most bang for your buck:

  • Read the packaging to make sure you’re using the LED for its designed purpose. Otherwise, it could fail early.
  • Look for the blue ENERGY STAR® logo on your LED packaging. ENERGY STAR certified products are tested for quality, performance, and long life.
  • If your dimmable LED bulb flickers when you use a dimmer switch, the switch may not be LED-compatible. Be sure to check the information on the dimmer package before you buy.
  • If you’re using your LED outside, look at the minimum operating temperature to make sure it’s suitable for our harsh winters.

Even if you follow these instructions, there’s a slight chance that your LED could be faulty and fail early. Luckily, ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs and fixtures come with a minimum 3-year warranty, so hang on to your receipts in case you need a replacement.


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