How to save on your natural gas energy bill & reduce your environmental impact


If you have a natural gas bill, it may feel like time to find ways to cut your gas consumption.

You may have heard the saying that the cheapest energy is the energy you never use. How are you using natural gas: heating your home and/or water? Cooking dinner? Relaxing in front of your fireplace?  

The cost of natural gas fluctuates regularly and is currently on the rise, so now’s the time to take action to reduce your natural gas consumption and lower your energy bills. It’ll help you save energy and money and reduce greenhouse emissions, benefiting you and the environment we live in. Here are some tips that’ll help you save:

  • Do regular maintenance. Be it door weatherstripping, seasonal furnace check-ups, filter changes, or filling cracks, a well-maintained home will run more efficiently and minimize energy waste.
  • If you have a natural gas furnace, it needs to be able to spread the air and heat around. That means grills and registers have to be kept clean and clear of obstructions like furniture. This includes cleaning your ducts! We recommend having them professionally cleaned every two to three years to remove any dust and debris. 
  • If you’re heating your water with natural gas, it’s your second largest energy cost next to heating your home. Using less hot water can save you money. Wash your clothes in cold water whenever possible. Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators. Wash full loads of laundry. And if you have a dishwasher, use its energy-saving settings. 
  • Upgrade to a smart Wi-Fi connected thermostat. Using its many features, including scheduling and geofencing, can help you save.
  • Consider the assistance we provide to improve the insulation in your home. That works directly to reduce the consumption of natural gas, and we can provide you with rebates through our Home Insulation Program
  • Air leakage can significantly reduce the comfort and durability of your home, as well as increase your energy costs. If there’s a gap or a crack that air can get through, it will. If you can see daylight anywhere, you’re inviting in outside air and higher energy bills. Weatherstripping, including window insulating film and caulking, are staples of good airtightness maintenance. Make sure you air seal before starting any major insulation projects. 
  • If you live in an older home, you may have older inefficient windows. Older windows are often poor insulation, and they likely let in unwanted air which can force your heating and cooling system to work harder than necessary. By upgrading to high-performance windows and doors, your home will be more comfortable – and you can save money on your monthly energy bills. And yes, we have rebates to help you replace your windows and doors!  
  • Let the sun in by opening your window coverings (curtains, blinds, or shutters) during the heating season. During our sunny Manitoba winters, the heat from the sun displaces some of the natural gas your furnace (or boiler) would have used. And remember to close those window coverings during the warmer months to keep that extra heat out!
  • Sometimes small changes can be a benefit. Electrical outlets can allow cold air to sneak in and force you to raise your thermostat setting. Insulating foam gaskets for your electrical outlets on exterior walls can help you save.

So, are you using natural gas efficiently? These are just a few tips for minimizing your natural gas use, and we want to help you take these steps. Check out our website to learn about our programs and offers, and send our Energy Team an email if you have any questions.

If you own a business, we have programs and offers to help you reduce your natural gas consumption, too!