All posts in category: ENERGY SAVING TIPS

Couple meeting with suppliers

Considering a home upgrade?

WORK WITH THE RIGHT PARTNERS  Are you ready to get started on that home project you’ve been thinking about? A contractor can provide qualified assistance and guidance on Efficiency Manitoba programs to help you save energy, money, and the environment. To ensure the job’s done right, it’s worth doing some planning and research to staycontinue-reading

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A row of similar looking homes

Air sealing 101

Sealing up and weatherstripping your windows and doors is an easy way to prevent unwanted air leakage and save energy. Here’s how to get started.

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Inflatable flamingo float toy on water

All about pool pumps

Pool owners in Manitoba are choosing to upgrade their single-speed pool pump to a variable-speed model. Variable-speed pool pumps are quieter, more efficient, and have a longer life span. That means you won’t need to replace it as frequently and will benefit from the energy savings.

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