Your bedroom doesn’t have major appliances like your kitchen, but you might use more energy than you think. Don’t worry — you can rest easy each night knowing you’re saving energy and money by following our expert advice!

Older windows are often poorly insulated and not airtight, letting in heat during the summer and cold during the winter. This makes your home less comfortable, forces your heating and cooling systems to work harder, and causes your monthly energy bills to go up.
One solution is to install high-performance windows with features like multiple panes of glass, low-e coatings, and high-quality weatherstripping. They reduce drafts and noise from outside, which will help you sleep more soundly. We offer rebates to make this decision even easier!
Not ready to upgrade just yet? Seal gaps and cracks in and around your windows with caulking and weatherstripping to reduce air leakage.
As the warm weather approaches, hold off on using your air conditioner until absolutely necessary. You can use outdoor temperature changes to your benefit by opening and closing windows or use a fan in the spring and early summer before the hottest days arrive. Also, change your heavy winter blanket for a lighter one for a more comfortable sleep.
Unplug devices like humidifiers, dehumidifiers, heated blankets, and chargers when you’re not using them. And consider getting an LED night light instead of leaving the bathroom or hallway light on.
Want to create a relaxing ambience and save energy at the same time? Install a dimmer switch in your bedroom. Reducing light output means using less electricity.