Income Based Offers
If you’re living with a limited income, we can help you lower your monthly energy bills and make your home more comfortable with free and subsidized energy efficiency upgrades.
Energy Efficiency Assistance Program
Free energy efficiency upgrades for income qualifying households. Now you can lower your monthly energy bill and make your home…

Métis Energy Efficiency Offers
Lower your energy bills and make your home more comfortable by getting free or subsidized energy efficient upgrades.

Tips, Tricks & Advice
Why LED?
You may have heard that LEDs are the latest and greatest lighting products on the market, but maybe you’re still working through your stockpile of old and inefficient incandescent bulbs.
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Get your home ready for summer
Summer is just around the corner! You’re probably ready for the heat and the sunshine – but is your home? We’ve compiled a few tips to help you get your home ready for the warm weather:
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