All posts in tag: INDUSTRIAL


Learn how we helped Harris Meats & Groceries reduce their energy bills and maintenance costs through our Commercial Refrigeration Program.
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Interior of SupremeX building

Project feature: Supremex

SupremeX recently participated in our Custom Energy Solutions program and have impressive savings to show for it!
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Close up of wood chips

Project feature: Rolling Acres Colony Farms Ltd.

Rolling Acres Colony Farms Ltd. participated in our Custom Energy Solutions Program to convert their electric boilers to a bioenergy system using wood chips, and we gave them an incentive for doing it.
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Exterior of Simplot building

J.R. Simplot Company

With our support, J.R. Simplot Company (Simplot) completed an energy-efficient expansion to their potato processing facility in Portage la Prairie.
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Pile of white button mushrooms

Loveday Mushroom Farms

Find out how we helped Loveday Mushroom Farms save on their energy bills.
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Interior of an office

Business lighting controls

Learn about the types of lighting controls available and what to consider before deciding on a lighting control system for your building.
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Florescent light tubes

Lighting disposal

Check out our guide on how to properly dispose of and recycle hazardous materials.
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Warehouse interior

Lighting for your business

Learn about the types of LEDs available and things to consider before deciding on a lighting system for your building.
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Worker in a hardhat

Variable speed drive upgrade

Find out how your business can save energy and money with a variable speed drive upgrade.
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Builder using futuristic interface

Identifying Ways to Save

When it comes to improving your business’s bottom line, knowing how to find ways to save energy can be a daunting task. At Efficiency Manitoba, we want to help take the weight off. We can help you save money by offering a variety of services that will measure, track, and identify the ways you can reduce electric and natural gas energy in your facility.
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