We’re proud to support the planning and development of 22 energy-efficient ready-to-move childcare facilities across Manitoba through our New Buildings Program!
Our New Buildings Program provides incentives for the design and construction of new energy-efficient buildings that are modelled to be at least 5% more efficient than the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB). The program also offers an Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive which allows participants to determine the savings impact of each energy efficiency feature on the building early in the design process. This helps in the selection of materials, technologies, and processes that will bring the most value to each project.
JQ Built, an innovative municipal participation corporation owned by 12 municipalities, has teamed up with local experts to enable the design and delivery of new childcare facilities across Manitoba.
The JQ Built approach is focused on collaboration and teamwork, the childcare facilities were designed once and replicated. This approach maximizes construction efficiencies, utilizes economies of scale, expedites timelines and allows for continuous improvement. The JQ Built team has worked closely with the municipalities, facilitating access to Efficiency Manitoba’s offers, that provide long-term benefits to communities.
This video by JQ Built provides more detail about the project and showcases its many benefits.
“This is a really important and unique project; the municipalities are collaborating to create better buildings and reduce construction costs as well as servicing costs. By taking advantage of everything Efficiency Manitoba has to offer and ensuring each childcare center has energy modeling, we are not only creating a better environment for the children, but the JQ Built team approach is saving community taxpayers money over the short term and over the long term.”
— Colleen Sklar, CEO of JohnQ Public / JQ Built
The project is being implemented in two phases. The first phase included the planning and construction of nine childcare facilities in rural Manitoba.

All nine projects have successfully completed the Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive phase and are enrolled in our New Buildings Program Performance Path. They received a $5,000 incentive to offset the cost of energy modelling services during the project’s design phase; they can expect to receive an additional $5,000 towards energy modelling services upon project completion. All projects are designed to be at least 20% more efficient than the minimum requirements of the MECB.
The project’s second phase will include the design and construction of 16 additional childcare facilities in rural Manitoba.
The energy efficiency features incorporated into these buildings include:
- improved building envelope;
- high-performance windows;
- efficient mechanical systems; and
- ventilation air heat recovery.
“The Efficiency Manitoba New Buildings Program plays a crucial role in assisting our clients with the design and construction of energy-efficient buildings throughout the province. The combination of energy modelling aligned with Energy Code compliance and commissioning to help ensure a properly functioning building is a great package. This comprehensive program enables design teams to select appropriate energy-efficient upgrades and results in significant energy savings for years to come for the owner’s new buildings, all coupled with valuable incentives and technical resources from Efficiency Manitoba.”
— Kelly Winder, Principal, Energy Modelling, Crosier Kilgour
Each facility is estimated to save an impressive 37,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity every year, which translates into estimated annual savings of approximately $1,850 on their energy bills.
As each facility’s building energy performance is estimated to be 20% more efficient than the minimum requirements of the MECB, they’re expected to be eligible for the maximum incentive of $2 per square foot offered through our New Buildings Program Performance Path. Most facilities have a total conditioned floor area of approximately 5,800 square feet, which could make them each eligible for an estimated incentive of $11,600 based on the anticipated performance level.

Because of their energy efficiency upgrades, each childcare facility will not only receive incentives through our New Buildings Program to help offset the costs, but they’ll save energy and money on their energy bills for years to come. The improved building envelope will lead to less condensation and fewer drafts, creating a more comfortable space for both childcare employees and students. The building owners will also benefit from increased building value, improved aesthetics, and lower operational costs.
To qualify for the New Buildings Program, the project must be new construction or an addition and follow the MECB. You need to apply early in the design phase.
Projects can receive incentives through two parts of the program: the Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive and the Performance Path.
For the Energy Modelling Assistance Incentive, email your application to us before the project tender date. Once your project is approved, work with an energy modeller to complete the energy modelling report and send it to us along with the invoice for modelling services. We’ll provide feedback on the project and process your incentive.
For the Performance Path, email your application to us no later than six months after receiving a building permit; however, the earlier the better to ensure all project team members are aware of the program requirements. Once it’s approved, work with your project team to complete and submit the program deliverables outlined in the program guide as your project progresses. We’ll review the deliverables, provide feedback, and process the incentive when your project is complete.
You can find more information and the application forms on the program web page. We’re here to offer technical assistance and guidance throughout the entire process.