Income Verification
To qualify for the Energy Efficiency Assistance Program, you need to provide us with income verification documents. Instructions on how to do this are listed below.
Please do not send original copies of any of the following forms. You can get copies of your income tax documents for free by calling Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281.
If you have any questions, please call us at 204-944-8181 (toll-free at 1-844-944-8181) or send us an email.
How to provide us with income verification documents:
All people 18 years of age and older must provide:
- A copy of their Income Tax Return (TI General); and
- A Notice of Assessment for the most recent tax year. A Notice of Assessment is issued by Canada Revenue Agency when a tax return is processed.
If you’re a tenant, you can provide your income verification documents directly to Efficiency Manitoba for confidentiality purposes, or you can give them to your landlord to submit to us. You must also complete a Tenant Consent Form, which is to be included with your tax documents.
If you’re a full-time student, you can provide an official letter from your registrar/administration office confirming you’re a full-time student (this can be used instead of income tax information). Your income won’t be counted towards the total household income.
If you’re self-employed, you must provide the applicable Canada Revenue Agency statements:
- Statement of Business or Professional Activities;
- Statement of Farming Activities; or
- Statement of Real Estate Rentals.
If you can’t provide income tax documents, we’ll accept other income verification documents. You may qualify if you can show proof of recent participation in the following programs:
- Canadian Tire Jumpstart;
- City of Winnipeg Recreation Services Fee Subsidy Program;
- Community Centre Program Registration Fee Subsidy Grant;
- Community Volunteer Income Tax Program;
- KidSport Manitoba;
- Legal Aid;
- Manitoba Camping Association Sunshine Fund;
- Manitoba Employment and Income Assistance;
- Neighbours Helping Neighbours Program;
- No One Left Behind Subsidy
- Rent Assist for Manitobans Not Receiving Employment and Income Assistance;
- SEED Access to Benefits Program;
- SEED Individual Development Account;
- SEED Inner City Homebuyer Program;
- SEED Saving Circle; and/or
- WINNpass.