The homebuyers’ guide to energy efficiency

Are you a new homebuyer or a homeowner looking to save energy? We partnered with The Manitoba Real Estate Association (MREA) to create a guide to help you save energy, money, and the environment.

The Homebuyers’ Guide to Energy Efficiency is a resource designed specifically for homeowners who want their home to be as comfortable and energy efficient as possible. It has tips on how to save energy and money, advice for hiring a contractor, and information about equipment in new homes.

“We want to empower Manitobans to make energy-saving upgrades to their homes,” said Efficiency Manitoba CEO Colleen Kuruluk. “The Homebuyers’ Guide to Energy Efficiency provides homeowners with information about energy efficiency in a simple and accessible format. This guide will serve as a reference that homeowners can use for years into the future, wherever they may be on their energy efficiency journey.”

Realtors throughout the province will distribute the guide to homebuyers. It’s also available on the MREA’s website. You can check it out by clicking the link below!