All posts in category: GREEN LIVING

Train to become an energy advisor!
Ready for a new career? Get training to become a certified Energy Advisor.
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Unplug & safely explore Manitoba
This summer, take some time to unplug and embark on a safe outdoor adventure!
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All about pool pumps
Pool owners in Manitoba are choosing to upgrade their single-speed pool pump to a variable-speed model. Variable-speed pool pumps are quieter, more efficient, and have a longer life span. That means you won’t need to replace it as frequently and will benefit from the energy savings.
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Earth day 2021
We believe in the importance of Earth Day – and so does Green Action Centre, an organization dedicated to promoting green living and advocating for positive environmental changes. We partnered with them to provide you with resources to celebrate Earth Day and make sustainable living a part of your everyday life.
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All About Energy Modelling
Design and construction practices are moving in the direction of performance-based standards. If you’re building a new home or a new commercial building, investing in energy modelling is a great way to get on board.
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Improve your home’s efficiency with high-performance windows
Check out our advice on how to shop for high-performance windows for your home.
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Earth Day
Mark your calendars – April 22 is Earth Day. This is a time to celebrate our planet and learn about how we can preserve our natural resources. Here are a few ways you can contribute:
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Green landscaping
It’s that time of year again – the sun is shining, the snow is melting, and Manitobans are starting to think about their lawns and gardens. Heading outside and getting your hands dirty is a great way to kick off the new season.
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Get out and get green
We’re lucky to live in Manitoba. From the sweeping prairie landscape to urban forests, our province offers so many places to explore. This spring, we here at Efficiency Manitoba challenge you to get out and enjoy the province’s wealth of natural spaces.
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