

Bioenergy is a unique and renewable energy source that can reduce your energy bills and provide other environmental benefits.

We provide financial assistance for pre-project studies and financial incentives for the implementation of commercial scale bioenergy systems that demonstrate natural gas or electricity savings.*

We’ll consider the use of any organic matter, including wood chips and pellets, as the biomass fuel. Only commercial, agricultural, and industrial projects that demonstrate natural gas or electricity savings will be considered, either through offsetting space, water, or process heating energy consumption or generating electricity to be used on site. Bioenergy can also be a useful way to address your waste disposal requirements if that organic waste can be converted to energy.

*Minimum savings of 50,000 kWh or 20,000 m3 are required. For projects intending to offset space heating, the heated space must be more than 10,000 square feet.



    Help us determine eligibility by completing this questionnaire. You’ll be asked to provide details about your operations and the proposed project.


    We’ll review your questionnaire and work with you to determine next steps.

    • If your project is expected to realize electricity or natural gas savings and you’ve identified the type, availability, cost of your biomass, and the equipment needed, you may qualify for a study incentive. If so, we’ll ask you to submit a feasibility study proposal that will examine the project economics and the expected energy and utility bill savings.

    • If you’ve already quantified the project economics, including energy savings, and no further studies are needed, you may qualify for an incentive. Based on the energy savings your bioenergy system is expected to produce, we’ll work with you to help you move through the incentive application process.